Tag Archive: ebikes

  1. Eflow officially launches company LinkedIn page

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    German shared mobility manufacturer extends its presence on B2B social platform

    Eflow aspires to improve the future of urban mobility with its extensive fleet expertise and high quality bicycles that can be modified to meet customer requirements.

    Its state-of-the-art bicycles, e-bikes and electric scooters offer a versatile, sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to conventional private transport, by working closely with companies, cities & municipalities to develop shared mobility solutions.

    The Eflow team has been fully committed to developing modern electromobility for over 10 years, and its products blend the knowledge, experience & passion from numerous experts including CEO, Bernd Adamski, who is a highly reputable figure in the bike industry, pro-triathlete Anja Ippach knows what matters to riders when they’re in the saddle and bicycle designer Norbert Haller is one of the most renowned in his field.

    Eflow invites mobility enthusiasts to follow its LinkedIn page to learn more about its exciting projects, latest developments and vision for the future of mobility.

    Eflow CEO, Bernd Adamski:

  2. Cabinet wants a ban on the possession and use of performance sets

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    The Dutch government will soon announce that the possession and use of booster sets for electric bicycles on public roads will be prohibited, RTL News reports.

    Source: Nieuwfiets.nu

    This measure is intended to improve road safety and reduce nuisance, due to complaints about fast-moving electric bicycles, especially fat bikes, which are popular among young people because of their fat tyres and large saddle. Souping up e-bikes is popular and is done, for example, by adding a throttle or by removing the speed limiter, which leads to a lot of inconvenience and safety problems.

    At the end of last year, many municipalities urged the government to take measures, such as a minimum age for the use of electric bicycles or a ban on performance sets. In 2022, the House of Representatives also called for a ban on electric bicycle performance sets, with a majority of VVD, GroenLinks-PvdA, NSC and BBB supporting the ban. The Ministry of Infrastructure subsequently had a consultancy firm investigate how the increase in electric bicycles could best be tackled. The advice is to introduce a ban on the possession and use of such hardware and software on public roads, comparable to the existing ban on the use of mopeds and scooters.

    According to the consultancy, this would provide clarity and enable better information campaigns about the risks of using souped-up electric bicycles, such as the fact that the driver may be uninsured. Currently, speeding on a souped-up e-bike on public roads is already prohibited, but installing a booster kit in itself is not. These sets and performance apps are sold in stores and online. Riders turn off the booster when they see the police, causing the bike to return to its normal maximum speed. However, this will change, because if the police detect a performance set on a bicycle, the driver will be punished.

  3. Vosper: “E-bikes step up in a down market”

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    Source: Bicycle Retailer

    2023 wasn’t a great year for the e-bike market, with high inventory & low sales, and struggling relationships between suppliers and retailers. This is unlikely to improve in the immediate future.

    Decreased Imports

    A recent analysis by Rick Vosper in Bicycle Retailer shows that the number of imports for both classes of bikes fell significantly in 2023 (Figure 1) as suppliers attempted, and succeeded in, decreasing the number of orders in the pipeline.

    Pedal only bike imports for 2023 were down by 41% from 2022, which itself was down 31% from 2021. In 2023 5.3 million units were imported, which represents the lowest number of pedal-only imports since the first recorded year in 1981. To compare, e-bike imports were 990,000, down 10% from 2022, which represents a 25% increase from 2021.

    Figure 1: USA E-Bike imports vs pedal only bikes
    Source: eCyclceElectric & U.S Department of Commerce (USDOC)

    Not only that but e-bikes are steadily gaining market share, from 2% in 2016 to more than 18% of pedal-only bike sales in 2023 (Figure 2). This increase inversely correlates with the decrease in pedal only bike imports.

    Some have speculated that when e-bike imports reach 20% of pedal only, it will mark an infection point for e-bike sales in the U.S., and that a large increase in market share will happen as a result.

    However, Vosper disagrees commenting “I am sceptical of this projection. Here’s why: some large majority of e-bike sales are in the very bottom of the mass market as low-end bikes shipped D2C from China and other Asian manufacturers. These units have no direct parallels in the pedal-only market segment, so there’s no basis for an apples-to-apples comparison, which renders that 20% number arbitrary. To really see the relationship, we’d have to look at dealer and mass retailer sales and filter the bottom feeders out of the equation somehow. At present I don’t believe the industry has the resources to do this.”

    Figure 2: E-bike imports as a percentage of pedal only (20″+)
    Source: USDOC

    An ongoing problem

    Despite the cuts in imports in 2022 and 2023, there’s still inventory excess due to the huge number of imports during the years of COVID (2020 & 2021), this indicates that the inventory excess is a long-term problem. On the bright side, e-bikes seem to be doing better than other product categories. In an informal poll on the Facebook group Cycling Industry Recover, 56% of retailers reported that their e-bike sales are up relative to their pedal only models. Perhaps this is indicative of future buying trends.

  4. Insurers highlight safety and wear and tear hot spots in ebikes

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    Recent reports from German insurance accident research group UDV and German insurer WERTGARANTIE shed light on use, maintenance and risk areas for e-bikes

    Source: SAZ Bike, Saz Bike

    Leading German insurer WERTGARANTIE has shared insights from a survey of 5,000 bicycle and e-bike owners, carried out in partnership with Statista. The study records which components are most often affected by damage, how regularly and by whom the bike is cared for, maintained and repaired, and how the use of bicycles and e-bikes differs.

    The survey, which was representative of the population according to age, gender and federal state, revealed many other findings, for example:

    1. Damages related to third parties, i.e. theft, accidents and vandalism, were experienced by around a third of e-bike riders (33.8 percent) and cyclists (37 percent).
    2. Tires on bicycles wear the most noticeably at 70 percent; 52.5 percent of e-bike tires are affected. Brakes also often fall victim to wear at 55.3 and 53.8 percent respectively.
    3. A large part of maintenance relies on the annual inspection. Professional help is often sought: 47.7 percent of bicycles and 68 percent of e-bikes are inspected and serviced in the specialist workshop.
    4. Bicycles such as e-bikes are still mostly used for leisure purposes. The willingness to use a two-wheeler to get to work is on average 9 kilometers by bike and 12.7 kilometers by e-bike. On average, cyclists would travel 7.4 kilometers for errands such as shopping; E-bike riders 11.4 kilometers.
    5. The highest prevalence of bicycles was found in Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg with 93 and 92.7 percent, respectively. E-bikes are particularly popular in Thuringia (54 percent) and Baden-Württemberg (49.9 percent).

    The data was collected in collaboration with Statista. The complete bicycle and e-bike study 2024 is available for free download here.

    Research recently shared by German insurance accident research group Unfallforschung der Versicherer (UDV) was presented with a negative stance on the use of cargo bikes to transport children, with UDV head Kirstin Zeidler saying:

    “Parents predominantly use three-wheeled entry-level models to take their children with them on cargo bikes. These are difficult to drive and highly susceptible to tipping over. They offer children no protection for their heads or upper bodies in the event of an accident. Neither benches nor backrests are sufficient for the safe transport of children. In addition, every second child on a cargo bike does not wear a helmet and a third are not wearing a seatbelt at all or are not wearing it correctly. The most common accident involving cargo bikes is a solo accident, i.e. without the involvement of third parties.”

    Zeidler continued, “Cargo bikes could be safer if they had tilting technology and seats with head protection, effective belts and a safety cell to protect against impact. For example, the existing DIN standard would have to be tightened up.” In addition to the manufacturers, the UDV also holds the legislature accountable: The road traffic regulations for the transport of children on bicycles do not include any special requirements for cargo bicycles. “The legislature should close this regulatory gap quickly,” said Zeidler. Separate approval tests for cargo bikes for transporting children also make sense.”

    It must be noted that, in fact, CEN is currently developing standards for cargocycles, including a standard for passenger transport. The first standards will be published this year and will become applicable in all member states including Germany.

    An initial reaction to the UDV research from the bicycle industry came from industry veteran Albert Herresthal, who wrote to Kristin Zeidler, the new head of the UDV since February. Herresthal wrote that the study was unbalanced. “They explain that bicycle accidents involving children are ‘comparatively rare’ and that the other party in the accident is ‘usually the car’. At the same time, however, there is not a word in your media information about the inadequate infrastructure that is partly responsible for these accidents involving cars. Why not?” Many accidents could be avoided with better cycling infrastructure, says Herresthal, which probably speaks for the entire industry. Herresthal believes that this aspect should not be left out of accident research publications.

  5. TRAXIO market research: 47% of Belgians want to buy a new bicycle, mainly e-bikes from a bicycle dealer 

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    The Beglian automotive federation published figures on bicycle purchase intent following a 2023 market survey

    Source: TRAXIO

    Filip Rylant, spokesperson for the mobility federation TRAXIO, summarizes the findings of a comprehensive market survey conducted in November 2023 among 2,000 Belgian respondents regarding their intentions to purchase a new or second-hand bicycle. According to the survey, the inclination to make a purchase is notably high, with nearly half (47%) expressing a definite ‘yes,’ while 18% remain uncertain. This positive trend extends to both the short and long term, with 39% planning to make the purchase within two years, 43% within 2 to 5 years, and 17% within 5 years or more. The focus is predominantly on e-bikes, constituting 46% purely e-bikes and 18% a combination of mechanical and electric bicycles. The preferred channels for acquiring a new bicycle are bicycle shops (43%) and sports shops (29%), unlike in neighbouring countries where second-hand bicycle purchases are more common.

    Are you considering a new bike, if yes in what time frame?

    The prospect of obtaining a new bike is encouraging in the near to medium term, with 47% of respondents affirming their intention to buy, while only 18% are undecided. Interestingly, 35% express no desire to acquire a new bicycle. Among those planning a purchase, a significant portion aims for the relatively short term, with 39% intending to buy within two years and 43% within 2 to 5 years. Additionally, 17% plan to make a purchase within 5 years or more, indicating a well-distributed timeline for potential buyers.

    What type of bicycle are you likely to buy?

    The shift towards e-bikes is evident, with 46% planning to purchase at least one e-bike. Another 18% plan to acquire both mechanical and electric bicycles, while 36% opt for one or more mechanical bicycles. This points toward a continued electrification of the Belgian bicycle market. A closer examination of the replacement market reveals that 39% of respondents intend to replace a mechanical bicycle with an electric one, and 27% plan to replace an old e-bike with a new e-bike, emphasizing the substantial potential of e-bikes in the coming years.

    Where are you likely to purchase your bike?

    Consumer preferences for purchasing are tilted towards physical stores, with 43% favouring bicycle shops, 29% opting for sports shops, and 21% considering online options. Media partners’ offerings attract 7% of potential buyers. Proximity, expert advice, and the opportunity to test-drive emerge as key advantages for physical sales channels.

    Would you consider purchasing a second-hand bicycle?

    Belgians appear conservative compared to their Dutch counterparts, as 53% express reluctance, 27% are in favour, and 20% remain undecided. It appears to be too early for second-hand cycles, the evolution of these figures in the coming years will be interesting to observe.


    TRAXIO regularly monitors the registration of new and used vehicles, providing detailed insights into national and regional breakdowns, fuel types, CO2 emissions, brands, and ages across various categories such as passenger cars, motorcycles, commercial vehicles, campers, trailers, and speed pedelecs.

  6. Stromer + Desiknio strengthens leadership team with two new hires

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    Desiknio, manufacturer of premium electric bikes and sister company to Stromer, is pleased to announce two new important players for the brand: Morten Kristiansen as the new managing director and Max-Louis Wolff as the new brand manager.

    Morten Kristiansen, 43, started in mid-November and is responsible for the global brand and business development. Prior to Desiknio, Kristiansen held global leadership positions at United Wheels, Allite Material Science, and Dorel Sports, among others, where he fostered award-winning product development, market expansion, and business growth across Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, Asia, and the United States.

    Tomi Viiala, co-CEO at Stromer, on filling this important position, says, “We are delighted to welcome Morten to our team. With his broad experience and cycling knowledge we believe he can continue to implement our growth plans. He has the right background to bring Desiknio to the next level with his experience.”

    “I have had the privilege of being part of the cycling industry long enough to see the continuous evolution of rider participation and product innovation. I have been fortunate enough to work with brands that appeal to the complete spectrum of consumers, from beginners all the way to avid professionals,” says Kristiansen. “Desiknio is in a unique position within the industry to offer a highly sought-after and premium product with an incredible potential for growth and global expansion.

    “Both Stromer and Desiknio have long been industry leaders and I am excited to be contributing to the development of such an exciting brand.”

    Kristiansen will be based at the Desiknio Headquarters in Granada, Spain.

    Max-Louis Wolff, 30, joined the Stromer team on December 1st as the brand manager for Desiknio. His e-bike marketing journey began at Leon Cycle GmbH. As a marketing specialist, he was responsible for online and print campaigns, along with performance marketing activities. He was additionally tasked with establishing a physical store in Hannover. He was part of the founding team at LEGEND EBIKES GmbH, where, in the position of marketing manager and procurator, he was responsible for all marketing activities, from brand building to performance marketing and market analysis.

    The German bike and sports enthusiast will focus on defining and implementing a comprehensive brand strategy for Desiknio. This includes creating a clear brand differentiation and strengthening the brand image. His personal goal is to elevate Desiknio to the next level and establish a solid position for the brand on the e-bike market. He will be working from the new Desiknio office in Frankfurt, Germany.

    “As the brand manager for Desiknio at Stromer, I am passionately focused on not just representing a brand but telling a story,” says Wolff. “Together, we will redefine the bicycle industry and secure an unmistakable place for Desiknio in the vibrant e-bike market.”

    New hires Max-Louis Wolff (left) and Morten Kristiansen (right)

    About Stromer + Desiknio

    Founded in 2010 and based in Oberwangen, Switzerland, Stromer is shaping the future of mobility with its Speed Pedelecs. myStromer AG produces all of its e-bikes at the Oberwangen site and is the market leader in the Speed Pedelec category (fast e-bikes up to 28 mph). The company employs around 140 people, has two subsidiaries (USA and Netherlands,) and sells its S-Pedelecs in 23 countries. Since 2021, the Spanish brand Desiknio has enhanced the product range with high-quality urban bikes (up to 20 mph). With its premium e-bikes and accessories, Stromer offers commuters a contemporary mobility solution. This can be confirmed by the 245 million miles traveled on Stromers. Stromer is #HereToChange. For more information visit us.stromerbike.com.

  7. CIXI scoops German Design Award and Lapiz de Acero Award

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    The French makers of patented electronic pedal technology have been recognised with industry honours

    CIXI has announced the well-earned achievement of being awarded in the German Design Awards 2024 as Excellent Product Design in the category of Bicycles and E-Bikes.

    The GDA jury states:
    “The PERS Chainless Pedalling System for all types of e-bikes is an innovative electronic crankset with an automatic transmission that works without a chain and still promises a natural pedaling feeling.”

    CIXI’s PERS technology adapts pedal resistance according to the rider’s style, to offer a tailor-made experience. This system does not require great athletic effort to actively travel 20 or 30 km, the electronic crankset system makes active mobility possible and enjoyable for all. CIXI has aimed to remove the geometrical constraints of mechanical transmission, making the PERS a versatile and competitive product able to fit diverse architectures and applications, from regular and cargo bikes to high-speed vehicles.

    CIXI’s design team was also honored with the 2023 Lapiz de Acero Award for the ROVER 45 concept bicycle design in collaboration with LOOK Cycle. One of 66 winners across a variety of outstanding design, as one of the first concrete applications of chainless urban speed p​edelec bicycle technology, the ROVER 45 reveals other possibilities in creating new types of vehicles.

    CIXI was further delighted to be named one of the winners of STMicroelectronics France’s 1st edition of its ST for Startups – Sustainability Challenge France.

  8. Two-seater shared e-bikes could debut in Brussels in 2024

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    Source: The Mayor.eu

    It is possible that the world’s first two-seater shared e-bike will arrive in Brussels early in 2024, following an announcement by French operator Pony that they are included as part of its proposals in response to a recent call for tenders by Brussels Mobility.

    If the contract is awarded, the two-seater Double Pony models would be available outside of France for the first time. It can reach speeds of up to 25 km/h, and has a range of up to 100 km when fully charged. They have been designed to cover a distance of 20,000 km over their lifetimes and to withstand harsh weather. Additionally, parts can be interchanged and used to extend the lifespan of other Pony bikes.

    Pony has already been operating in Brussels since 2021 with an offering of one-seater shared e-bikes.

    Guillem Leroux, Pony’s spokesperson, spoke to The Brussels Times about the Double Pony: “This e-bike has been successful in France, where approximately 70% of our users have already experienced it as a passenger.” 

    Pony has also introduced an innovative scheme for the shared soft mobility sector, with its unique “Adopt a Pony” programme. This allows users to buy a bike from the company and then lease it to other users using the corporate platform, and share the profit made with the enterprise. Guillem Leroux explained that, through this scheme, the company aims to redistribute income back into communities.

  9. Dutch research forecasts substantial increase in e-bike travel by 2028

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    Source: CROW-Fietsberaad

    Figures published in the biennial Mobility Assessment, drawn up by the Knowledge Institute for Mobility Policy (KiM) in the Netherlands, indicate a significant rise in e-bike kilometers travelled

    In the Mobility Assessment 2023, published on November 14th, KiM analyzes the Netherlands’ mobility figures over the past ten years, and forecasts the development of mobility in the next five years. The bicycle – both traditional and electric – is one of the mobility types assessed in the passenger mobility section. The report categorises the data into several groups, with key findings summarised below.

    Kilometers travelled
    The number of bicycle kilometers recorded for 2022 is 17.9 billion, representing travel of approximately 1,050 km per person by bicycle, of which approximately 400 km was by e-bike. The distance travelled on regular bicycles has increased by 4 percent since 2021 and on e-bikes by 29 percent.

    Numbers of trips
    Since 2012, the total share of bicycles in the number of trips has remained the same at 27 percent, but the share of e-bikes has grown from 1 to 7 percent, while that of regular bicycles has fallen from 26 to 20. There were fewer individual trips in 2022 than in 2019, but the distance per trip is greater. The data shows that in 2022, an average e-bike ride was 5.6 kilometers long, and 3.2 kilometers on a regular bicycle. An average ride to education with an e-bike was 7.4 km compared to 2.9 km for the regular bicycle.

    Younger e-bike riders
    The increase in e-bike riders to education is reflected in the age demographic data. In the 12-24-year-old age bracket, e-bike riders have almost tripled since 2019. Older people also contribute to the cycling-kilometer count; those 60 and over cover more than half of their distance on e-bikes.

    Leisure time
    Overall, Dutch cyclists cover the most distance for leisure activities. The e-bike is used relatively more often for commuting, shopping and other journeys.

    Forecasts for the future
    For 2023, KiM expects the data to show that the total number of bicycle kilometers will be 7.5 percent higher than in 2019, and will be twenty percent higher in 2028. The growth is mainly due to e-bikes: the number of bicycle kilometers is expected to more than double by 132 percent compared to 2019. The use of the regular bicycle is expected to decrease by 15 percent and, thanks to the increased uptake of the e-bike, KiM expects that the use of regular bicycles will never again exceed the level of 2019.

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