Frequently Asked Questions
LEVA-EU Member enjoy our free information and assistance service. We answer any question they may have about light, electric vehicles for free.
Below is selection from the questions Members have been asking us. If you would like to use our free information service, contact us (link to form) for further details on membership. Alternatively, we can answer your questions against a consultancy fee depending on the time that we require to answer. For further details on our consultancy service, please contact Annick Roetynck, tel. + 32 9 278 45 46, e-mail
Content: About light electric vehicles | About LEVA EU | About type approval | About dumping | About rules and regulations | About EN 15194 | About standardization | About batteries | About Electric Mountain Bikes (e-MTBs) | About Electrically Power Assisted Cycles (EPACs) | About electric scooters | Miscellaneous
About Light Electric Vehicles
LEVA-EU does not offer auditing services for your products or organization, but we are able to inform and advise you on the legislation that is directly relevant to you, as well as keeping you updated with regulatory changes, so you can stay ahead of the game in product design, manufacturing and logistics.
LEVA-EU has full knowledge and details on all rules for all Member States in the EU. You can obtain the information either by paying a consultancy fee for the time required to answer your question or by becoming a member of LEVA-EU, which gives you free access to the LEVA-EU information service and all other benefits and advantages. The signup form is here.
Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) are all vehicles with 1, 2, 3 or more wheels that are propelled by an electric motor or by a combination of electric motor and human power. This includes monowheels, electric hoverboards, skateboards, electric scooters, self-balancing vehicles, electric bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, quadrimobiles, etc. In technical terms, LEVs are all vehicles included in the L-category, as well as a number of vehicle excluded from the L-category.
Please complete our signup form and we will be in touch, or if you have any other questions, use our general contact form and you are welcome to call +32-923-36005.
For Chinese enquiries, please contact Dennis Hu at Make It China,, tel. +44-7598-024148.
对于中文的会员查询,请联系胡锴铁, 英国办公地址:, tel. +44-7598-024148.
The membership fee depends on the number of staff in your company and is available upon request.
LEVA-EU does not receive any subsidies from any government. LEVA-EU’s sole source of income consists of the membership fees. Members pay an annual fee depending on their number of staff.
No, LEVA-EU is a trade association and a non-for-profit association, officially registered in Belgium.
Absolutely not, LEVA-EU membership is open to any business active in the field of light, electric vehicles. LEVA-EU has a wide variety of members, i.e. manufacturers, importers/exporters, distributors, start-ups, etc.
Yes, LEVA-EU has a licensing agreement for the use of the name LEVA. But LEVA-EU and LEVA are also partners in the same mission, each with their own regional, specialist knowledge and connections.
What are the benefits of becoming an LEVA-EU member?
If you join our organization, you can enjoy the many benefits of LEVA-EU membership, which are listed here. The membership fee depends on the number of staff in your company and is available upon request.
LEVA-EU stands for Light Electric Vehicle (LEV) Association in Europe and is the only trade association to work exclusively for LEV-businesses in Europe. LEVA-EU was founded in 2017 by industry veteran Annick Roetynck. LEVA-EU provides its members with information and assistance on all rules governing LEVs. LEVA-EU also works on better rules for LEVs, among which in CEN, ISO, IEC and in the Commission’s Motorcycle Working group dealing with type-approval for the L-category.
LEVA-EU has members and partners around the world.
The LEVA-EU head office is in Gent, Belgium, which is very close to Brussels, which provides LEVA-EU with very easy access to the European institutions that are making the rules for LEVs. Gent is well-known for its sustainable mobility.
About Type-Approval
About Dumping
About EN 15194
About Batteries
About Electrically Power Assisted Cycles (EPACs)
Campaign success
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Member profile
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