Why should you become a member of LEVA-EU?
LEVA-EU is the guide of light electric vehicle businesses in Europe.
We are your voice in the corridors of power and your navigator through the complex rules governing the light electric vehicle industry.
LEVA-EU members enjoy the following benefits:
- Advice – we are an authority on European rules and regulations on light electric vehicles.
- Advocacy – we influence and monitor EU legislation.
- Networking – we can connect you with other LEV businesses, to share knowledge, and create partnerships and opportunities.
- Access to research – we collect information and statistics to help you understand market trends and developments.
Saving time and money
It can be time-consuming and costly to find your way through the maze of regulations for light electric vehicles – time and money that would be better spent on growing your business.
LEVA-EU can help you with the legal obligations and technical regulations your light electric vehicle business must meet. Our experts have extensive knowledge to ensure your products are in line with legal requirements when they come to market.
Giving you a voice
LEVA-EU is the only trade association in Europe that works exclusively for light electric vehicles. We monitor all EU legislation and policy making and put pressure on decision makers to get a fair deal for our members. Light electric vehicles are the future of transport and we are committed to influencing policies to ensure businesses can trade smoothly.
Working together
LEVA-EU membership offers you an extensive network of producers, importers, distributors of vehicles, components and accessories. We also give access to European institutions including the European Commission and European Parliament, academic institutions, trade press and trade exhibitions and conferences, national and local authorities and any other associations. We can help you search for potential partners and projects.
Applying our learning
Members have access to free information on relevant European funding programmes such as the SME Instrument, which includes business innovations grants and free-of-charge business coaching, and Fast Track to Innovation, which is aimed at supporting close to market innovation activities. We offer access to research that can help you identify new opportunities in the light electric vehicle sector.
Who can join LEVA-EU?
Any company, organisation or individual who has an interest in the European light electric vehicle market can become a member of LEVA-EU. The membership fee depends on the number of staff in your organisation.
Please complete the membership form for more information.
Campaign success
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Member profile
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