Useful links
Useful Links
- CEDEFOP: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
- Civitas: European initiative to redefine transport measures and policies in order to create cleaner, better transport in cities
- EAFO: European Alternative Fuels Observatory
- EIPP: European Investment Project Portal
- EIT Urban Mobility: Is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
- ELTIS: The European Urban Mobility Observatory
- MOMENTUM: Modelling Emerging Transport Solutions for Urban Mobility
- Safety Gate – RAPEX: Rapid Alert System for dangerous non-food products
- SUMP: Guidelines For Developing anD implementing a SuStainable urban mobility plan – version 2
- TRIMIS: Transport Research and Innovation Monitoring and Information System
- UEMI: Action platform on United Nations’ Urban Electric Mobility Initiative
- Urban Access Regulations in Europe. Source for all European Low Emission Zones, Congestion Charging & Urban Traffic Restrictions
- Departments and executive agencies of the European Council
- Energy Union
- European Commission
- European Council
- European Environment Agency
- European Parliament
- Legislative Observatory: The European Parliament’s database for monitoring the EU decision-making process
- 365SNEL: Flemish project to stimulate the use of speed pedelecs
- Bestfact: The first portal of freight transport best practices, contacts and policies
- Clean Cities Campaign: Is a new European movement aiming to encourage cities to transition to zero-emission transport by 2030
- Cycle Logistics: City Changer Cargo Bikes is an EU project that exploits the limitless potential of cargo bikes
- eHUBS: Smart Shared Green Mobility Hubs
- Elviten: Demonstrates how electric light vehicles can be used in urban areas and be integrated into the existing transport network of six European cities
- Evidence: Economic Benefits of Sustainable Transport
- Inclusion: The main objective of INCLUSION project is to understand, assess and evaluate the accessibility and inclusiveness of transport solutions in European prioritised areas
- LEVY Logic: Project to stimulate organisations to use LEV’s for city logistics
- Assessment of current L-category market in UK and quantification of the environmental and economic benefits from the current and future L-category fleet
- MOVE21: Is a four-year, Horizon 2020 Innovation Action that started in May 2021
- PRESTO: Promoting cycling for everyone as daily transport mode
- Pro-e-bike: Promotes clean and energy efficient vehicles, electric bicycles and electric scooters, for delivery of goods and passenger transport among private and public bodies
- PTP-Cycle: Personalised Travel Planning for Cycling to promote a modal shift
- RIPPL: Register of Initiatives in Pedal Powered Logistics
- Tetra Ulive: Project to develop a universal battery for E-bikes
- Twin: Development of training for electric bicycle dealers and mechanics
- URBANIZED: ModUlaR and flexible solutions for urBAN-sIzed Zero-Emissions last-mile Delivery and services vehicles
- Convenant of Mayors: European movement involving local and regional authorities, voluntarily committing to increasing energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources on their territories
- Eurocities: The network of major European cities
- ICLEI: Local Governments for Sustainability
- Polis: European cities and regions networking for innovative transport solutions
- Bicycle Retailer: Source of news and information about the bicycle industry
- Bikebiz: Delivers trade information to the entire cycle industry. Bikebiz Directory 2021
- Bike Europe: European trade magazine for the (electric) bike industry
- News about (electric) cargo bikes
- Citylogistics: International news about City Logistics from Lectorate Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
- Cycling Industry News: News, features and analysis about the bycicle market
- Flemish knowledge center for bicycle policy
- Dutch knowledge center for bycicle policy
- Electricmotorcyclenews: A personal initiative to inform you about electric motorcycles, electric scooters and some offroad performance e-bikes
- Micromobilitybiz: Media outlet delivering regular updates to the burgeoning micromobility industry
- Nieuwsfiets: News website for specialised bike dealers, consumers and media in Belgium and The Netherlands
- News website for electric bicycles
- Sazbike: German news website about bicycles
- Smartride: Polish website dedicated to micromobility issues
- Speedpedelec Evolutie: Dutch information site on all things speed pedelec
- Tweewieler: Dutch digital magazine for two-wheeled vehicles
- BatteriesTransport: a joint industry initiative with the goal to facilitate the implementation of the legal requirements applicable to the transport of battery cells
- CEB-BEC: Belgian Electrotechnical Committee, standardization platform for electrical engineering
- ELECTA / KU Leuven: research department KU Leuven covering electrical energy systems
- LEVA: USA light electric vehicle association
- Make It China: Consultancy, digital marketing and branding for Chinese companies, guiding them to markets in the West and enabling British and European brands to land in China
- MOBI/VUB: the mobility, logistics and automotive technology research centre
- NBN: acts as the Belgian knowledge centre for all activities related to standardisation
- Nieuwsfiets: News website for specialised bike dealers, consumers and media in Belgium and The Netherlands
- Odisee: Dept. Department Energy Technology at Odisee University of Applied Sciences
- Polaris Media: is an award-winning PR and marketing company
- Recharge: RECHARGE is Europe’s industry association for advancedrechargeable and lithium batteries, representing a 360°value chain poised to tackle today’s & tomorrow’s challenges
- SBS: the voice of European standardisation in Europe
- Squire Patton Boggs: is a full-service global law firm
- ACEM: The motorcycle industry in Europe
- Avere: European assocation for electromobility
- Avere Belgium: Belgian association for electromobility
- Battery Brunch: is a community of 3000+ professionals from 800+ organizations
- Conebi: Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry
- Cycling Industries Europe: the voice of cycling business
- EBRA: European Battery Recycling Association
- ECF: European Cyclists’ Federation
- ECLF: European Cycle Logistics Federation
- EDTA: USA Electric Drive Transportation Association
- EMC-MEC: Canadian Electromobility Association
- Eurobat: Association of European Automotive and Industrial Battery Manufacturers
- EVAAP: Electric Vehicle Association of Asia Pacific
- FEMA: Federation for European Motorcyclists’ Associations
- FIM: International Motorcycle Federation
- Platform for electro-mobility: multi-stakeholder effort to accelerate the transition in Europe towards sustainable multimodal electro-mobility
- WFSGI: World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry
- WEVA: World Electric Vehicle Association
- Fare City: is an award-winning London-based think tank and community interest company (CIC)
- FERSI: The Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes
- HVA: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Technology
- KU Leuven: ELECTA, this research division covers the broad spectrum of electrical energy systems and robust control of industrial systems
- LEVER: The Light Electric Vehicle Education and Research (LEVER) Initiative
- VUB Brussels: MOBI, the mobility, logistics and automotive technology research centre
- AFNOR: French Organization for Standardization
- ASI: Austrian for Organization Standardization
- ASRO: Romanian Standards Association
- BDS: Bulgarian Institute for Standardization
- BSI: British Standards Institution
- CEN: the European Committee for Standardization
- CENELEC: responsible for European standardization in the area of electrical engineering
- CYS: Cypriot Organization for Standardization
- DIN: German Organization for Standardization
- DS: Danish Standards Foundation
- ELOT: Greek (The Hellenic) Organization for Standardization
- EVS: Estonian Centre for Standardization
- HZN: Croatian Standards Institute
- IEC: International Standards and Conformity Assessment for all electrical, electronic and related technologies
- ILNAS: Organization for Standardization Luxembourg
- IPQ: Portuguese Quality Institute
- ISO: International Organization for Standardization
- ISRSM: Standardization Institute of the Republic of North Macedonia
- ISS: Institute for Standardization of Serbia
- IST: Icelandic Standards
- LST: Lithuanian Standards Board
- LVS: Latvian Standards
- MCCAA: The Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority
- MSZT: Hungarian Standard Institution
- NBN: Belgian Standardization Bureau
- NEN: Dutch Normalization Institute
- NSAI:Standards Authority of Ireland
- PKN: Polish Committee for Standardization
- SFS: Finnish Standards Association
- SIS: Swedish Institute for Standards
- SIST: Slovenian Institute for Standardization
- SN: Standards Norway
- SNV: Swiss Association for Standardization
- TSE: Turkish Standards Institution
- UNE: Spanish Standardization Association
- UNI: Italian Organization for Standardization
- UNMS SR: Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing
- UNMZ: Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing
- Access2Markets: information on export and import of products or services for the international market
- EEA: Air Quality Report in Europe 2019 & 2020
- European Commission Market Access Database: Statistics import and export
- Eurostat: Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union
- Transport Data Hub: Statistical Pocketbook: 2018 & 2019
- 2seas: The “INTERREG IVA 2 Mers Seas Zeeën Programme” promotes crossborder cooperation between the coastal regions of 4 member states: France (Nord-Pas de Calais), England (SW, SE, E), Belgium (Flanders) and The Netherlands (South coastal area)
- EASME: EU funding programmes for SME’s, researchers, NGO’s and public bodies in order to create jobs and growth and helps Europe move towards a sustainable economy
- Erasmus+: EU programme for education, training, youth and sports
- Horizon 2020: The biggest EU research and innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020)
- Horizon Europe: The Commission’s proposal for Horizon Europe is an ambitious €100 billion research and innovation programme to succeed Horizon 2020
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