Platform for Electromobility publishes position paper on charging infrastructure


< 1 minute read

Electro-mobility offers an unequalled solution to make Europe’s transport more efficient, less dependent on imported energy, low carbon, clean and quiet. Specifically, the electrification of surface transport will enable Member States to meet their greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for 2030 and to address the public health crisis arising from urban air pollution.

The construction of a private recharging infrastructure as well as an EU-wide interoperable public infrastructure, however, remains an important pre-condition for the wide-scale de

That is why the Platform for Electro-Mobility has launched a new position paper ‘Accelerating Electric Recharging Infrastructure Deployment in Europe’ outlining its recommendations for the implementation of the AFI Directive in a number of key areas, namely (i) the deployment of normal- and high-power recharging infrastructure; (ii) intermodal electro-mobility synergies; (iii) shore side electricity; (iv) smart charging; (v) payment solutions; and (vi) appropriate parking schemesployment of electro-mobility.

As a member of the Platform, AVERE has ensured that Light Electric Vehicles were included in the position paper. Reference to LEVs are on page 3 and 8 of the paper.

The full position paper is here:


Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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