TRB call for papers on Light Electric Vehicles
3097 days ago
2 minutes
From 8 to 12 January 2017, the Annual Transportation Research Board (TRB) Meeting takes place in Washington DC and attracts more than 11,000 participants. It is a huge conference and very visible. The subcommittee, co-chaired by Professor Chris Cherry (on emerging vehicle technologies) has focused on e-bikes for the past several years.
That subcommittee has now launched a call for papers that focuses on LEVs. The call is at this link,, and is hopefully broad enough to include the work most of the research world is doing on light electric vehicles. Papers submitted to TRB can be considered for presentation (and proceedings) and publication in the Transportation Research Record (TRR), or presentation only.
VERY IMPORTANT: Full and final papers are due August 1, 2016 and they must be in final form and strictly follow TRBs style guidelines. From TRB’s website: 2017 Paper Author Warning – It is critical that interested authors check the Paper Author Resource Page and read Writing a Paper for TRB and Submitting a Paper to TRB. Remember after August 1 there are no second chances – be very careful with your paper submission this year.
All papers that come into this call will be handled by Professor Cherry, and will be distributed to at least three reviewers. The turnaround is relatively quick and you should have review results by Oct 1. Historically, approximately 20% of the submitted papers (to the entire bicycle committee) are published in the TRR and about 65% are accepted for presentation/proceedings.
For any further questions, please contact:
Chris Cherry
Associate Professor-Civil and Env. Engineering
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Phone: 865-974-7710
Mobile: 865-684-8106
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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