Tag Archive: Netherlands

  1. Dutch national rail allows scooters and prohibits recumbent bicycles and tandems

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    Passenger railway operator Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) has followed advice from Locov, a group of consumer organizations which represent the interests of train passengers, to enact policy changes.

    Source: Fietsberaad CROW

    Following advice from Locov, the NS has changed its plans on a few points to regulate the conditions under which travellers are allowed to take a bicycle or folding bicycle on the train. Scooters and e-scooters are allowed on the train as hand luggage and there will be more clarity about where folding bicycles should be placed. As planned, NS will ban recumbent bicycles and tandems from the train.

    In April, the Dutch Railways requested advice from the National Consultation on Consumer Interests in Public Transport (Locov) about the proposed adjustments to the general conditions of carriage for taking a bicycle or folding bicycle on the train. Following this advice, NS has decided to cancel the proposed ban on Segways – partly because the Segway is a brand name and is no longer produced – and to allow scooters and e-scooters if they meet the conditions for hand luggage. NS is also making it clearer where a folding bicycle may be placed on the train. For example, this should not block the walkway or a seat and should be placed in a luggage area where possible. The intended maximum height of 80 cm for folding bicycles will be maintained. Finally, the extension of the period in the summer during which bicycles are not allowed on the intercity to Brussels has been cancelled. In 2024, this period will be limited to July and August.

    NS does not accept the advice to continue allowing tandems and recumbent bicycles on the train. The argument for this is that the available bicycle spaces in a number of train types are too small for this type of bicycle, which means there is less room for other bicycles and the longer bicycles can block the passage. There will still be room on the train for tricycles that are used as aids, but in a place with priority for wheelchairs and therefore not in a bicycle space.

    NS’s full response can be read via the Locov website.

  2. Over half of Dutch people ride an e-bike, survey shows

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    Source: Nieuwsfiets

    Recent study reveals that 54% of Dutch people ride an electric bicycle

    Various insights into the behaviour and attitudes of Dutch cyclists are available in the results of research commissioned by Netherlands-based e-bike refurbishers Upway.

    The online survey, conducted by research agency iVOX between May 8 and May 17, 2024, gathered answers to a range of questions from 2,000 Dutch people on a variety of cycling-related topics. A number of insights can be gleaned from the results:

    Age: 61% of people over the age of 55 choose an e-bike, while for those under 35 the figure is 51%.

    Ownership and frequency: 54% of Dutch people currently use an e-bike, with 39% doing so at least weekly.

    Stated preferences for e-bikes: 32% of respondents cite ease of use; 20% answered ‘Because it gets me to my destination faster’; 25% answered ‘because I can cover greater distances with it’.

    Cargo bike usage: Of those surveyed, 7% rode an electric cargo bike, and 4% rode a non-electric version. Riders of electric cargo bikes cited two notable reasons for their use: 22% said ‘Because it is economically more advantageous than a car’, while 19% said ‘Because it is so easy to use’.

    Cycling infrastructure: Overall, the respondents are generally positive towards the cycling-friendliness and layout of roads in their area, with 77% reporting a positive opinion, though cargo bike users are a little more critical with 61% having a positive opinion.

    Feelings of safety: 94% of e-bike riders reported feeling safer than average in traffic, while 57% of these said they feel safer on an electric bike than on a traditional bike. In contrast, 80% of traditional-cycle riders felt safest on a non-electric bike.

    Risk-taking behaviour: Only 10% of Dutch people say they always wear a helmet when cycling. 36% of e-bike riders ignore a red light – more often than non-electric bike riders. Dangerous situations involving electric bicycle users involve excessive speed (31%), inattention (15%) or lack of control (13%), while tradtional bike riders sometimes create dangerous situations by violating traffic rules (21%), inattention (28%) or cycling where it is not allowed (11%).

  3. Netherlands e-bike insurance market increases to €621 million

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    Source: Nieuwsfiets

    The recent E-bike Monitor survey conducted by Multiscope reveals that the Dutch market for e-bike insurance rose by €71 million in 2023, among other highlights.

    The study interviewed 5,554 respondents aged 18 and over, representative of the Dutch population. It found that most e-bike owners (62%) insure their bike, and that owners of electric hybrid models are the most likely to take out insurance, with 67% of these bicycles insured.

    The report details the insurance costs for e-bikes, averaging out at €14 per month. Insurance of an e-fat bike is highest at €23 per month, while owners of electric city bike models pay € 14 per month. In total, the Dutch e-bike insurance market was €621 million in 2023 – an increase of €71 million compared to 2022.

    It was found that 50% of the insurance was taken out online, and that the risk of theft is one of the reasons for insurance; 6% of electric bicycle owners reported having had their e-bike stolen at least once. 

  4. Green light for scooter scheme: important for affordable mobility in urban areas

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    The Royal RAI Association welcomes the announced pilot for a subsidy program for electric mopeds and scooters. This new scheme offers low-income people a helping hand in the transition to zero emissions and ensures that they retain access to mobility. “This scheme is therefore essential for moped and light moped riders with a small wallet, especially where environmental zones are emerging,” says Martijn van Eikenhorst – Scooters section manager at the association and also chairman of Scooter Recycling Netherlands.

    Source: RAI

    Pilot subsidy scheme for electrification

    An amount of 3.5 million euros has been made available for the electrification of mopeds and mopeds for 2024 and the same amount for 2025. Municipalities can apply for money from this scheme to grant subsidies to minimum wage earners, with each municipality applying its own policy. Residents can then receive a subsidy for the purchase of an electric moped or moped. With this budget, it is estimated that more than 3,500 petrol scooters can be replaced with emission-free ones. The pilot scheme will open this summer, and the government will also start a promotional campaign for electric mopeds and scooters.

    Combating mobility poverty and offering freedom of choice

    This new subsidy scheme encourages municipalities to accelerate the electrification of scooters and mopeds. Municipalities often combine a scrappage scheme with subsidy offers for older scooters and mopeds, for example from before 2018, with the establishment of environmental zones. RAI Association attaches great importance to affordability and freedom of choice, especially for road users with limited financial capacity. They have often been riding their beloved moped or moped for years. Through this scheme they should be given the opportunity to purchase a new, comparable, but now electric vehicle. “Keep in mind that people want to choose a vehicle that suits them,” Van Eikenhorst emphasizes. “The moped and moped are then ideal for medium-long distances, commuting or a safe feeling in traffic late in the evening.”

    It’s the consumer and the government’s turn

    The manufacturers and importers of scooters and mopeds have taken the lead in electrification. The climate agreement expresses the ambition to only sell electric mopeds by 2025. Since then, and even before the government came up with concrete policy, electric mopeds and mopeds have taken off. By offering electric mobility early, the sector has already made significant progress. Of the mopeds registered in 2024, 50% are electric and the counter for electric mopeds reaches 32%. “The industry has taken its steps. It is now up to the consumer to choose electric. The government can now help with this with its policy.”

    Role of industry in the sustainable future

    RAI Association has actively contributed to setting up this pilot and welcomes its introduction by the cabinet. The association looks forward to further collaboration to accelerate the transition to emission-free mobility to realize a sustainable future, in which mobility not only remains accessible and affordable, but also contributes to a cleaner and healthier living environment. “RAI Association and Scooter Recycling Netherlands are discussion partners in various municipalities and cities regarding demolition schemes, environmental and zero-emission zones.” In response to the new subsidy scheme, Martijn van Eikenhorst, on behalf of the RAI Association, invites municipalities to get in touch about their sustainable ambitions.

    Read the letter to Parliament about making mopeds and light mopeds more sustainable here.

  5. The Netherlands saw 270 cycling deaths in 2023

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    Source: Fietsberaad

    In 2023, there were 270 fatalities among cyclists in traffic, which is 20 fewer than the previous year. Similar to last year, at least 40% of these individuals were riding e-bikes, as revealed by the annual report released by Statistics Netherlands on April 10. The total number of traffic-related deaths reached 684.

    For the fourth consecutive year, cyclist fatalities (270) outnumbered those of passenger car occupants (194). Between 2019 and 2023, a total of 1,199 cyclists lost their lives in traffic incidents. Among these, 42% were the result of collisions with passenger cars or vans, while 10 percent occurred after collisions with trucks or buses. Additionally, 32% were attributed to single-vehicle accidents. Notably, for cyclists aged 75 and above, 38% of fatalities were due to single-vehicle accidents.

    Despite an overall decrease of 61 road fatalities compared to 2022, the total figure remains higher than the period between 2010 and 2021.

  6. Multiscope E-bike Monitor: The latest updates in the e-bike, e-scooter and LEV market

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    Source: Multiscope

    Multiscope has launched the fourth edition of its E-bike Monitor, a comprehensive study focusing on electric bicycles, electric scooters, and other light electric vehicles (LEVs) within the Netherlands. This report offers insights into various aspects of the market, encompassing providers, insurance, maintenance, usage patterns, and user satisfaction levels.

    What can you expect?

    The study delves into the market landscape, addressing over 50 pertinent research inquiries. Key questions explored include the size of the Dutch market for e-bikes, e-scooters, and LEVs, expenditure trends on these vehicles, market expansion dynamics, and average prices for both new and used units. Additionally, the report identifies major providers and insurers, along with user satisfaction levels for different service providers.

    The E-bike Monitor holds relevance for all Dutch organizations and businesses directly or indirectly associated with e-bikes, e-scooters, and LEVs. This encompasses roles in development, sales, consultation, maintenance, and insurance services related to these products.

    The report covers numerous providers such as Amslod, Batavus, Cortina, Cube, Flyer, Gazelle, Giant, Koga, Sparta, Stella, Trek, and Vogue Bike, as well as insurers like Allianz, ANWB, Centraal Beheer, ENRA, FBTO, Interpolis, Kingpolis, Unigarant, and Univé.

    For further information, please see the website, table of contents, and brand list.

    Key findings

    • Ownership of e-bikes, e-scooters, and LEVs is stagnating
    • There’s a difference between online and offline purchase prices
    • Used city bikes are significantly cheaper
    • There are different market leaders in online and offline insurance
  7. Amsterdam grants temporary speed limit increase for cyclists

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    Source: Fietsberaad

    From April 18, fast cyclists in Amsterdam will have the opportunity to utilise a designated section of roadway spanning 500 meters for a duration of three months. This trial will occur along Eerste Constantijn Huijgensstraat and Bilderdijkstraat. The suggested speed limit on the cycle path remains at 20 kilometres per hour, while those desiring a quicker pace can opt for the lane.

    The trial stems from the winning entry of the Amsterdam Bike City Innovation Lab in 2022. Conceived by visual artist Wichert van Engelen, the idea proposes three distinct speed limits: 10 km/h for sidewalks, 20 km/h for cycle paths, and 30 km/h for roads, applicable to all modes of transportation. This initiative aims to mitigate different speeds on the cycle path.

    The municipal authorities, in collaboration with the Amsterdam Transport Region, selected the Eerste Constantijn Huijgensstraat and Bilderdijkstraat area for its high volume of bicycle traffic and the presence of a narrow cycle path segregated from the road. With overtaking proving challenging on this path due to increasing speed disparities, this choice becomes imperative.

    Melanie van der Horst, the traffic councillor, states “I hear more and more Amsterdam residents, young and old, who no longer dare to cycle in the city. I don’t want that to happen. We have previously successfully moved moped riders to the road, making the cycle path quieter. But due to the rapid rise of various electric bicycles, it is now more necessary to make room on the cycle path for people who drive slower.

    Until July 19, cyclists exceeding the 20 kilometres per hour threshold will have access to the road, where the maximum speed limit is set at 30 kilometres per hour. The designated test zone between Overtoom and Kinkerstraat will be clearly delineated. Throughout the trial period, the municipality will monitor cyclist behaviour on the road, assess the interaction between car and bicycle traffic, and evaluate the impact on cycle path congestion. Road users will have the opportunity to provide feedback through an online questionnaire, and the municipality will conduct on-site interviews with cyclists. The results are expected at the end of this year.

  8. Cabinet wants a ban on the possession and use of performance sets

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    The Dutch government will soon announce that the possession and use of booster sets for electric bicycles on public roads will be prohibited, RTL News reports.

    Source: Nieuwfiets.nu

    This measure is intended to improve road safety and reduce nuisance, due to complaints about fast-moving electric bicycles, especially fat bikes, which are popular among young people because of their fat tyres and large saddle. Souping up e-bikes is popular and is done, for example, by adding a throttle or by removing the speed limiter, which leads to a lot of inconvenience and safety problems.

    At the end of last year, many municipalities urged the government to take measures, such as a minimum age for the use of electric bicycles or a ban on performance sets. In 2022, the House of Representatives also called for a ban on electric bicycle performance sets, with a majority of VVD, GroenLinks-PvdA, NSC and BBB supporting the ban. The Ministry of Infrastructure subsequently had a consultancy firm investigate how the increase in electric bicycles could best be tackled. The advice is to introduce a ban on the possession and use of such hardware and software on public roads, comparable to the existing ban on the use of mopeds and scooters.

    According to the consultancy, this would provide clarity and enable better information campaigns about the risks of using souped-up electric bicycles, such as the fact that the driver may be uninsured. Currently, speeding on a souped-up e-bike on public roads is already prohibited, but installing a booster kit in itself is not. These sets and performance apps are sold in stores and online. Riders turn off the booster when they see the police, causing the bike to return to its normal maximum speed. However, this will change, because if the police detect a performance set on a bicycle, the driver will be punished.

  9. TRAXIO market research: 47% of Belgians want to buy a new bicycle, mainly e-bikes from a bicycle dealer 

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    The Beglian automotive federation published figures on bicycle purchase intent following a 2023 market survey

    Source: TRAXIO

    Filip Rylant, spokesperson for the mobility federation TRAXIO, summarizes the findings of a comprehensive market survey conducted in November 2023 among 2,000 Belgian respondents regarding their intentions to purchase a new or second-hand bicycle. According to the survey, the inclination to make a purchase is notably high, with nearly half (47%) expressing a definite ‘yes,’ while 18% remain uncertain. This positive trend extends to both the short and long term, with 39% planning to make the purchase within two years, 43% within 2 to 5 years, and 17% within 5 years or more. The focus is predominantly on e-bikes, constituting 46% purely e-bikes and 18% a combination of mechanical and electric bicycles. The preferred channels for acquiring a new bicycle are bicycle shops (43%) and sports shops (29%), unlike in neighbouring countries where second-hand bicycle purchases are more common.

    Are you considering a new bike, if yes in what time frame?

    The prospect of obtaining a new bike is encouraging in the near to medium term, with 47% of respondents affirming their intention to buy, while only 18% are undecided. Interestingly, 35% express no desire to acquire a new bicycle. Among those planning a purchase, a significant portion aims for the relatively short term, with 39% intending to buy within two years and 43% within 2 to 5 years. Additionally, 17% plan to make a purchase within 5 years or more, indicating a well-distributed timeline for potential buyers.

    What type of bicycle are you likely to buy?

    The shift towards e-bikes is evident, with 46% planning to purchase at least one e-bike. Another 18% plan to acquire both mechanical and electric bicycles, while 36% opt for one or more mechanical bicycles. This points toward a continued electrification of the Belgian bicycle market. A closer examination of the replacement market reveals that 39% of respondents intend to replace a mechanical bicycle with an electric one, and 27% plan to replace an old e-bike with a new e-bike, emphasizing the substantial potential of e-bikes in the coming years.

    Where are you likely to purchase your bike?

    Consumer preferences for purchasing are tilted towards physical stores, with 43% favouring bicycle shops, 29% opting for sports shops, and 21% considering online options. Media partners’ offerings attract 7% of potential buyers. Proximity, expert advice, and the opportunity to test-drive emerge as key advantages for physical sales channels.

    Would you consider purchasing a second-hand bicycle?

    Belgians appear conservative compared to their Dutch counterparts, as 53% express reluctance, 27% are in favour, and 20% remain undecided. It appears to be too early for second-hand cycles, the evolution of these figures in the coming years will be interesting to observe.


    TRAXIO regularly monitors the registration of new and used vehicles, providing detailed insights into national and regional breakdowns, fuel types, CO2 emissions, brands, and ages across various categories such as passenger cars, motorcycles, commercial vehicles, campers, trailers, and speed pedelecs.

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