
Online Survey on Prospects for Small Electric Vehicles in the Transition of Urban Mobility Concepts

2211 days ago

< 1 minute read

Against the background of her master thesis at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Hochschule RheinMain in Germany, Amelie Ewert is conducting an online survey on prospects for Small Electric Vehicles. For her thesis, she is exploring the opportunities and obstacles for the market in an international perspective regarding Europe, USA and Asia. Her objective is to formulate recommendations for actions to foster Small Electric Vehicles and to identify important players in countries or municipalities in order to attain a wider market acceptance.

Amelie Ewert invites anybody working or interested in the LEV-sector to participate in a short survey, which takes 10 mintes. She is looking for opinions from research and practice from different kinds of work fields.

The survey is here: https://ProspectsforSEV.sawtoothsoftware.com/login.html

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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