
LEVA-EU and LEVA at Eurobike

2243 days ago

3 minutes

Come and meet us at Eurobike. LEVA and LEVA-EU share their traditional booth and invite you to join them for a drink on Monday, late afternoon. On Tuesday, you can get a full update on the dumping case in the LEVA-EU information meeting.

LEVA-EU and LEVA will share a stand at Eurobike. It is located on the first floor of the West Entrance, stand number FW-OG 101. It is a quiet corner where LEVA-EU and LEVA members can have meetings, take a break over a cup of coffee or where companies interested in LEVA-EU can meet up with us and explore a potential cooperation.

LEVA-EU is the only trade association that works exclusively for light, electric vehicles, including electric bicycles. LEVA-EU  helps companies in the Light Electric Vehicle business find their way in the maze of European rules and regulations.

The association is managed by Annick Roetynck, who has more than two decades of experience in the sector. LEVA-EU Director of China Affairs, Dennis Hu, assists members in building bridges between the EU and China. LEVA-EU is closely linked to LEVA.

Both Annick Roetynck and Dennis Hu will be available for appointments on Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 July. Please send them a mail should you wish to meet up with them:

Annick Roetynck: leva-eu@telenet.be – WeChatID: Annick_Roetynck
Dennis Hu: dennis@makeitchina.com – WheChat ID: Dennis HKT

On Monday 9 July, LEVA-EU and LEVA organize an informal get together for the electric bicycle business at their booth. LEVA Chairman Ed Benjamin and LEVA-EU Manager Annick Roetynck invite you to join them from 4.30 onwards for a drink and a chat with a variety of colleagues, an excellent networking opportunity. This get together is not limited to LEVA and LEVA-EU members but welcomes anybody with an interest in light, electric vehicles.

LEVA-EU is fighting, together with a group of European importers, against the anti-dumping proceeding concerning electric bicycles from China. This case has been the single most important topic of conversation in the electric bike business this year and will be THE topic of conversation at Eurobike. Unfortunately, a lot of rumours, fake news and alternative facts are going around, causing even more disruption.

LEVA-EU organizes an information meeting on the dumping case at Eurobike on Tuesday 10 July around lunch time to tell the true story, from our side of the fence of course. The information meeting is open to all interested parties.

We will present an overview of what has happened so far and what is still to happen. There will be ample opportunities for Q&A. All the more interesting, since the deadline for implementing provisional duties (21/07) will be very close by then.  Further details to follow very soon.

To find out what LEVA-EU can do for your business, click here. Full details on LEVA-EU’s service package are here, and frequently asked questions here.

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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