
LEV Mobility Responses Covid-19


2 minutes

Below is a list of initiatives that are or will be implemented to support the uptake of light electric mobility, cycling and other forms of more sustainable forms of mobility  in European Member states and Switzerland in the aftermath of the Corona-crisis.


  • Bicycle ticket in trains are free of charge –  from 1 July until 31 December 2020. Please find more information @Belgiantrain.

Benelux countries

  • Countries urge European Commission to prioritize (electric) cycling as ‘post-virus transport cure’. Please find more information @Benelux. or @Euractiv.


  • Bike repair subsidy ‘’Coup de Pouce Vélo’’- €50 for repairs – 11 May to 31 December 2020. Please find more information @Service Publice or go to @Coup De Pouce Velo.

European Parliament

  • MEPs urged European Parliament President David Sassoli to boost the uptake of cycling and walking. Please find more information @Euractiv.


  • Reduced VAT rates – 1 July and 31 December 2020 – From 19% to 16% and 7% to 5%. Please find more information @The Bundesregierung.


The Netherlands

  • The City of Amsterdam tests two heat sensing camera’s to improve flows of cyclists and reducing big queus at traffic lights. Please find more information @CityofAmsterdam.


  • Fix your bike voucher scheme – £50 for repairs. Please find more information @Gov.UK.


  • Lisbon – Purchase subsidy (electric) bicycles and cargo bicycle – €350 electric bicycle / €500 (electric) cargo bicycle. Please find more information @Lisboa.


  • Madrid – Purchase incentive for non-pollution vehicles – Maximum 50% of total price or financial assistance up to €150 (electric) scooters, €500 (electric) bicycles, €600 (electric) mopeds and €750 (electric) motorcycles – €2.5 million available for 2020 and €3.0 million in 2021. Please find more information @ElPais.

Photo by Alpine Region.

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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