Covid-19: Legal Measures in Europe concerning LEV-Businesses

1565 days ago

4 minutes

LEVA-EU is gathering information on Covid-19 measures in Europe  which are relevant for LEV-Businesses.

We will update this information regularly. If you have relevant information, which is not yet in our list, please send it by e-mail to

Read more on best LEV-practices @ourwebsite. Latest update: 05 May.

Stay safe!


  • Measures: bicycle shops are allowed to remain open. Update on 14 April. Read more @WKO.
  • Further information on measures in Austria:
    • All relevant information about Corona measures and financial support. Read more @Bmdw.gv.


  • Measure: bicycle dealers and repairers are allowed to reopen on 11 May.  Read more @Traxio. or
  • Further information on measures in Belgium:

Czech Republic

  • Measure: bicycle shops are allowed to be reopened since 8 April. Read more @Vlada.
  • Further information on measures in the Czech Republic:
    • Update of measures since 14 April. Read more @Vlada.


  • Measure: dealers and repairers are allowed to stay open for sales and repairs.
  • Further information on measures in Denmark
    • Hotline for business related questions during Corona. Read more
    • Information materials for shops. Read more @SSK.

European Union

  • Travel advice and border measures in Europe. Read more @ECEuropa.
  • Guidelines concerning the exercise of the free movement of workers during COVID-19 outbreak 2020/C 102 I/03. Read more @EUR-lex.
  • Find an overview of restrictions to transport, announced by Member States. Read more @MobilityandTransport.


  • Information on measures in Finland:


  • Measure: sales and repair of (e)bikes, e-mopeds, e-motorcycles and other LEVs is allowed. Read more
  • Further information on measures in France:
    • Update on Corona measures and shops that are allowed to remain open. Read more @Gouvernement.


  • Measure: Since 20 April, dealers and repairers are allowed to open again for sales and repairs, but measures may differ per region. Read more @Sazbike. or @theGuardian.
  • Further information on measures in Germany:


  • Measure: Repairs of bicycles are allowed since 4 May. Sales of bicycles will be allowed from 18 May. Read more @Gazetta or @governo.

The Netherlands 

  • Measure: dealers and repairers are allowed to stay open provided they comply with safety and hygiene regulations
  • Further information on measures in the Netherlands:
    • General information on Corona. Read more @KVK.
    • Compensation for SME’s – TOGS-steun. Read more @KVK.
    • Financial measures. Read more @Rijksoverheid.
    • Several tax solutions to survive the Coronavirus. Read more @Belastingdienst.
    • Find here information about the NOW measure. Read more @Rijksoverheid.
    • Overview for business that need information about foreign markets including information about Corona. Read more @RVO.


  • Measure: in general stores are allowed to stay open if they can maintain at least 1 meter private space for visitors and at least 2 meters amongst colleagues
  • Further information on measures in the Norway:


  • Measure: shops are allowed to stay open
  • Further information on measures in Sweden

United Kingdom

  • Measure: dealers and repairers are allowed to stay open provided they comply with safety and hygiene regulations. Read more @ACT.
  • Further information on measures in the United Kingdom:
    • Covid-19 operational advice for mobile mechanics. Read more @ACT.
    • Measures at GOV.UK:
      • Closing certain businesses and venues. Read more @GOV.UK.
      • Guidance for UK businesses. Read more @GOV.UK.
      • Guifance for local authorities on business support grant funding. Read more @GOV.UK.

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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