AVERE calls upon European Commission to make electromobility EU flagship initiative in Energy Union
< 1 minute read
One of the priorities of the new European Commission is the creation of a European Energy Union with a forward-looking climate change policy.
The Commissioners are currently discussing how to create this Union and are expected to come forward with a strategy towards the end of February.
In this framework, AVERE has joined forces with a number of related association to call upon the Commission to include in this exercice a comprehensive strategy for the electrification of transport.
A joint letter was signed by several major stakeholders such as Eurelectric, UITP, Polis, T&E, … as well as AVERE.
The organisations argued among other things that “a progressive electrification of transport, ranging from private vehicles to public transport and rail, can help diversify our energy sources, improve energy efficiency, air quality and reduce oil imports. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions from transport and helps balance increasing variability in the power sector.”
The full version of the letter is here: http://www.avere.org/www/Images/files/TE%20JointLetter_electrification%20energy%20union_V4%20final_com.pdf
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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