
1408 days ago

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  • Azad, M., Rose, W.J., MacArthur, J.H., and Cherry, C.R. (2023). E-trikes for urban delivery: An empirical mixed-fleet simulation approach to assess city logistics sustainability. Sustainable Cities and Society. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2023.104641.
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  • Huang, F.H. (2019). Understanding user acceptance of battery swapping service of sustainable transport: An empirical study of a battery swap station for electric scooters, Taiwan. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. https://doi.org/10.1080/15568318.2018.1547464.
  • Oliveira, C. M., Bandeira, R. A., Goes, G. V., Goncalves, D. N. S., and D’Agosto, M. (2017). Sustainable Vehicles-Based Alternatives in Last Mile Distribution of Urban Freight Transport: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability. https://doi.org/10.3390/su9081324.
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Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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