TWIN Webinar for Electric Bicycle Business and Trade Press

3200 days ago

3 minutes

Gent, 24 November 2015 The TWIN project, aimed at developing electric bike training for dealers and their mechanics, officially finishes at the end of this year. The consortium is preparing a webinar at which the results of the project will be presented to the electric bicycle business and trade press.

The completion of TWIN is near and the outcome is positive to the extent that the consortium is currently looking into ways of continuing the work. In the meantime, the official presentation of the results has started.

The main target group of the TWIN project consists of training institutes in the European Union. They have gathered for a 2 days’ workshop on 18 and 19 November at Innovam in the Netherlands. The interest for the workshop was extremely encouraging. The TWIN consortium has welcomed more than 20 participants from 11 different member states. Bike Europe Chief Editor, Jack Oortwijn, and Shimano Europe PR Officer, Ben Hillsdon, both presented a keynote speech. Jack Oortwijn started his presentation by saying that the workshop participants had chosen the right business to be in. He concluded: “Twin is striving to support other countries in raising the knowledge level. I am convinced this will greatly benefit the industry.

The consortium was especially pleased at the positive feedback of the participating training institutes. The overall majority is considering joining TWIN, because they are convinced that the initiative can be a major contribution to the development of electric bike training in their country.  This proves the need and the potential for European harmonised training.

The TWIN activities and results will also be presented to the electric bicycle business and to the trade press. Shortly, they will receive an invitation to participate in a webinar, which will take place on Wednesday 16 December at 3 p.m. C.E.T.

Ramon Salceda from Innovam and Twin partner Annick Roetynck, will present the TWIN output, i.e. the competence profile, the online assessment tool and the 4 days’ training for dealers and mechanics. They will also provide details on how the work will be continued after the TWIN project. Finally, they will engage in a discussion with the participants on the role of the industry in the future development of training activities.

Representatives from the electric bicycle industry and from the trade press who wish to participate in the webinar, are invited to register in advance on the following website:

Registrants will receive further practical details as to how to login for the webinar.

For any further details on the webinar or on the project, please contact Annick Roetynck, email; tel. +32 9 233 60 05.

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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