TWIN invites European Training Institutes to E-Bike Workshop

3357 days ago

3 minutes

The TWIN project, aimed at developing electric bike training for dealers and their mechanics, officially finishes at the end of this year. The consortium is preparing the final workshop at which the results of the project will be presented.

On 18 and 19 November 2015, the final TWIN results will be presented to interested European training institutes through a lunch-to-lunch workshop at Innovam in Nieuwegein (NL). Furthermore, the consortium will unfold its plans to continue its activities beyond the project period. This will include further details on the establishment of a European TWIN Academy.

In the past two years, the TWIN partners have developed a 4 days’ electric bicycle course based on the competence profile that was developed earlier on in the project. This course is linked to an Internet assessment tool, which allows candidate-trainees to test their knowledge and competence prior to the course. The assessment provides them with further details on the gaps in their existing knowledge and competences, which may be filled through the training. The 4 days’ training is aimed at dealers and their mechanics.

At the workshop, the participants will be expected to try out and evaluate the Internet assessment tool and the training material in order to allow the TWIN consortium to introduce final improvements.

For capacity reasons, the final workshop will be reserved to trainers and representatives of training institutes. They qualify for a financial compensation of maximum € 500 for their participation. Any other participants may attend for free. Further practical details will be provided upon registration.

Trainers and training institute representatives are invited to register for the final workshop at the event-website:

The ultimate objective of TWIN is to facilitate and speed up the development of electric bicycle training throughout Europe. Today, in many member states there is no training available yet. The TWIN partners hope that the ready-made, state-of-the-art TWIN material will incite training institutes to start electric bicycle training or to improve existing training.

Before the official end of the project, the consortium will organize a webinar, which will be aimed at informing all other interested parties such as OEM, suppliers and the press on the TWIN results and future plans. The exact date and content of this webinar will be communicated at very short notice.

For any further details on the workshop, on the webinar or on the project, please contact Annick Roetynck, email; tel. +32 9 233 60 05.Twin_logo_new

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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