
Transport Policy Journal – ‘Electric cargo cycles: A comprehensive review’

1100 days ago

2 minutes

Published in Transport Policy Journal (Volume 116), Narayanan and Antoniou’s research aims to comprehensively review the studies on E-cargo cycles, for various facets of their application, including but not limited to typology, penetration, impacts and policies required.

This recent analysis of past research offers insight related to various facets of E-Cargo cycle deployment, focusing primarily on application within commercial transport and the various systems required to achieve this.

A particularly exciting finding is the positive impacts associated with E-Cargo uptake outside of the primary focus of environmental benefits. With the correct application, the paper suggests that further benefits to the economy, society, traffic, and safety can be achieved. Additionally, a number of research gaps are highlighted in the study. Despite the rapidly growing wider literature, further analysis is required to fully conceptualize an E-Cargo-driven future, particularly regarding the private use of E-Cargo and country-specific restrictions due to vehicle size.

‘Electric cargo cycles: A comprehensive review’ is a strong step towards identifying and exploiting the full potential of E-Cargo bikes, from which a properly developed system of use can be implemented. The full paper can be accessed here.


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