
Trade-exclusive e-cargo bike trial underway across south-west Germany

915 days ago

< 1 minute read

Source: SAZ Bike, M. Huber

Starting June 27, six cities across south-western Germany are set to host commercial e-cargo bike testing opportunities, promoting uptake among local businesses.

Berlin transport change agency Cargobike.jetzt is behind the operation, offering a variety of LEVs for testing. These include various e-cargo bikes and trailers, supporting up to 200kg of cargo. The scheduled dates and locations are:

  • Monday, June 27: Ludwigsburg | Rathaushof | 1pm-6pm
  • Tuesday, June 28: Stuttgart | Karlsplatz | 11am-4pm
  • Wednesday, June 29: Karlsruhe | Old Slaughterhouse 35 | 12pm-7pm
  • Thursday, June 30: Darmstadt | HWK Frankfurt-Rhine-Main | 11am-4pm
  • Friday, July 1st: Mainz | Mewa Arena | 11am-4pm
  • Saturday, July 2: Wiesbaden | Palace Square | 9am-7pm
(Source: Cargobike.jetzt / “Flottes Gewerbe”)

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