
Toolbox for Mobility Management produced by cities.multimodal project

1187 days ago

< 1 minute read

The cities.multimodal project (2017-2021), co-funded by the EU, aims to transition urban transport towards low carbon mobility. It has brought together cities and industry experts to find and implement sustainable mobility solutions in the Baltic Sea Region.

“Within the project, partner cities developed and applied contemporary sustainable urban mobility approaches, with various activities and measures being implemented to promote walking, cycling, public transport and shared mobility services as more favourable alternatives to private car use.

The project, which concluded earlier this year, resulted in the publication of three final documents, including a Planner’s Guide to Sustainable Urban Mobility Management and a Toolbox for Mobility Management.”

The Toolbox for Mobility Management offers both advice and information, allowing institutions to easily and effectively apply this sustainable approach to their travel practices. There are clear and comprehensive chapters for each target group, encouraging local projects to be set up within their community. The project’s goal is to engage as many as possible in implementing relevant Mobility Management concepts.

Source: https://www.eltis.org/resources/tools/toolbox-mobility-management?utm_source=Ricardo-AEA%20Ltd&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=12681175_Copy%20of%20ELTIS%2FED62677104%2FNewsletter_September&dm_i=DA4,7JSUV,RK9AWU,UQ3LG,1


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