
The Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) and the urban mobility SOLUTIONS network are calling for cities from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America to become involved as leading city, take-up city or training participants


2 minutes

The SOLUTIONS network and the UEMI are looking for take-up cities to work together on the implementation of sustainable urban mobility measures. This is part of a new partnership with the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) and the European Green Vehicles Initiative (EGVI) as part of the EU-funded project FUTURE-RADAR.

As part of an effort to deliver on the New Urban Agenda the team invites cities to help assessing the opportunities for sustainable mobility concepts in their wider context of sustainable urban development. The mission of the SOLUTIONS and UEMI partnerships is to support the take-up of sustainable urban mobility solutions in cities across the world and foster the integration of urban electric mobility solutions into sustainable transport strategies.
Join the global effort !

A wide range of cities will be involved throughout the different project phases. The focus will predominantly be on ‘second-tier’ cities, rather than mega-cities. The regions targeted represent different levels of maturity in terms of experience with sustainable urban mobility related actions. This will be addressed by adopting different approaches for these regions. Cities, as well as local and national officials can now apply to become involved in the UEMI and the SOLUTIONS network for one of the different city categories.

Further details are here: http://www.uemi.net/call-for-change-maker.html



Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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