Tag Archive: speed limits

  1. Rotterdam expands 30 km/h limit to more streets

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    The Dutch city will roll out lower speed limits to 115 additional streets in a bid to reduce road traffic accidents

    Source: Fietsberaad CROW

    Rotterdam will reduce the speed limit on 115 streets from 50 to 30 km/h next year. The municipality hopes to improve road safety in the city with this measure. Last year, the vast majority of traffic accidents in the city occurred on a road with a speed limit of 50 km/h.

    More than half of the streets in Rotterdam currently already have a speed limit of 30 km/h. There will be another 115, including Mariniersweg, Nieuwe Binnenweg and Mathenesserlaan. The new limits especially target busy streets where many people live or where there are shops, restaurants and cafes. In 2023, there were 1,446 traffic victims in Rotterdam, the highest number in the past 10 years. 80 percent of the accidents took place on a road with a speed limit of 50 km/h.

    To make the new speed limit clear on the street, the municipality will install new traffic signs, adjust the road markings and install speed bumps. Where possible, wider bicycle lanes will be added. There will be more safe crossings for pedestrians on 30 km/h roads.

    Not all roads in Rotterdam can go up to 30 km/h. On main routes where emergency services drive, streets where many buses and trams run and important entrance and exit roads, the maximum speed remains 50 km/h.

  2. Amsterdam grants temporary speed limit increase for cyclists

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    Source: Fietsberaad

    From April 18, fast cyclists in Amsterdam will have the opportunity to utilise a designated section of roadway spanning 500 meters for a duration of three months. This trial will occur along Eerste Constantijn Huijgensstraat and Bilderdijkstraat. The suggested speed limit on the cycle path remains at 20 kilometres per hour, while those desiring a quicker pace can opt for the lane.

    The trial stems from the winning entry of the Amsterdam Bike City Innovation Lab in 2022. Conceived by visual artist Wichert van Engelen, the idea proposes three distinct speed limits: 10 km/h for sidewalks, 20 km/h for cycle paths, and 30 km/h for roads, applicable to all modes of transportation. This initiative aims to mitigate different speeds on the cycle path.

    The municipal authorities, in collaboration with the Amsterdam Transport Region, selected the Eerste Constantijn Huijgensstraat and Bilderdijkstraat area for its high volume of bicycle traffic and the presence of a narrow cycle path segregated from the road. With overtaking proving challenging on this path due to increasing speed disparities, this choice becomes imperative.

    Melanie van der Horst, the traffic councillor, states “I hear more and more Amsterdam residents, young and old, who no longer dare to cycle in the city. I don’t want that to happen. We have previously successfully moved moped riders to the road, making the cycle path quieter. But due to the rapid rise of various electric bicycles, it is now more necessary to make room on the cycle path for people who drive slower.

    Until July 19, cyclists exceeding the 20 kilometres per hour threshold will have access to the road, where the maximum speed limit is set at 30 kilometres per hour. The designated test zone between Overtoom and Kinkerstraat will be clearly delineated. Throughout the trial period, the municipality will monitor cyclist behaviour on the road, assess the interaction between car and bicycle traffic, and evaluate the impact on cycle path congestion. Road users will have the opportunity to provide feedback through an online questionnaire, and the municipality will conduct on-site interviews with cyclists. The results are expected at the end of this year.

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