
Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators benchmarking Tool launched


2 minutes

Source: Eltis – The European Commission has released a comprehensive set of urban mobility indicators, which can be used by cities to monitor and evaluate the implementation of their Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). 

An important dimension in the implementation of SUMPs is the monitoring and evaluation of the progress made by the measures contained within these. This is important to ensure that the SUMP is delivering for the city as anticipated or, if not, to enable changes to be made. At the same time, such monitoring is able to demonstrate how a city is contributing towards the delivery of relevant national and EU policy goals.

Cities and regions have at their disposal tools to identify the strengths and shortcomings of their mobility system: sustainable urban mobility indicators are essential for this exercise. In order to support this, the European Commission has made available a comprehensive set of indicators to assist cities in the process of monitoring and evaluating their mobility systems. The indicator set has also been designed to enable cities to measure improvements stemming from novel mobility policies or practices.

The sustainable urban mobility indicators (SUMI) benchmarking tool, not only allows cities to assess the performance of their own policies, but also to compare their performance to that of their counterparts. The tool’s indicator set is divided between core and non-core indicators, covering a wide array of mobility-related dimensions. These range from the affordability of public transport for mobility-impaired groups to road deaths and energy efficiency, among others.

Find the sustainable urban mobility indicators tool by the European Commission here.

Photo by sergio souza on Unsplash.

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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