Stromer and LEVA-EU launch Speed Pedelec White Paper
838 days ago
3 minutes
76% of all car trips and 50% of kilometers driven by cars can be replaced by micro-mobility[1], according to research carried out by DLR at the request of LEVA-EU. “As much as 37% of the trips could be done by speed-pedelecs (e-bikes up to 45 km/h),” Tomi Viiala, Co-CEO of myStromer, explains.
This example – and many more – should convince governments of the huge potential of light electric mobility and encourage them to improve focus on it and use it more frequently. “That’s why, together with LEVA-EU, we’ve invested in a Speed Pedelec White Paper to use as a basis for discussion with local authorities, as well as with European authorities,” says Tomi Viiala. The White Paper provides extensive information about the use of S-pedelecs with numerous concrete cases and figures.
Examples of countries leading the way in sustainable solutions for commuter traffic are Belgium and Switzerland. Speed-pedelecs, are well integrated in both countries as an example of modern, sustainable traffic. Many commuters are already experiencing the benefits: with an S-pedelec, you can be sure of punctual departure and arrival times, along with a healthy(er) way of moving. Even more than that, S-pedelecs are also cost-saving, energy-efficient and, last but not least, more environmentally friendly than driving a car. The rules for using S-pedelecs in Belgium and Switzerland are therefore clear and offer riders a good alternative to cars. The White Paper is also intended to raise awareness of this issue among traffic planners and to convince fleet managers to offer pedelecs and S-pedelecs to their employees.
Together with LEVA-EU, myStromer, the market leader in the S-pedelec segment, wants to convince and motivate other European countries to review and clarify their traffic regulations for S-pedelecs. This implies changes in policy and regulations. And there is still work to be done.
Annick Roetynck, LEVA-EU Manager, adds: “LEVA-EU has commissioned research from DLR into the potential for LEVs to significantly reduce GHG emissions from the transport sector and thus to contribute to climate protection. The research shows that 37% of all car trips could theoretically be replaced with speed pedelecs and 19% of all car kilometres could be substituted by speed pedelec kilometres. Each trip for which an LEV replaces a car would avoid on average 88% of the GHG emissions from the substituted cars. These numbers clearly show that electrification of cars alone is not the solution. We also need to considerably reduce the weight of the vehicles we use for our transportation. The speed pedelec is therefore a very valuable, sustainable solution. Legal bottlenecks are very seriously hampering the technological and market development of speed pedelecs. The White Paper should convince the European, national and local authorities to prioritise those issues.”
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[1] Micromobility includes all electric vehicles subject to Regulation 168/2013 as well as all vehicles excluded from this Regulation. That variety of vehicles ranges from e-scooters to electric mini-cars.
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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