Solutions E-learning Course on Clean Vehicles has started: register now!
3248 days ago
< 1 minute read
The Solutions E-learning Course on Clean Vehicles has started on Monday 5 October and will run until 6 November. If you wish to participate in the course, you can register here at any time:
Participation is for free and it takes about 2 weeks to complete the course.
What about Light Electric Vehicles?
Light Electric Vehicles are included in the course on Clean Vehicles running from 5 October till 6 November. This course will be complemented with a webinar specifically dedicated to Light Electric Vehicles. The webinar will take place on Thursday 29 October at 3 p.m. CET. Further practical details and the exact content of the webinar will be communicated soon.
What will participants in the course gain?
- Access to online courses with advice from global experts;
- Connection to mobility practitioners from all over the world;
- A Course Certificate when all the set tasks for a course have been completed. Certificates will be distributed to the e-learning participants as soon as all courses have been completed (December 2015);
- A chance to win a free trip to the SOLUTIONS final conference. The cluster leaders will select the participant that has put the most effort into their forum contributions.
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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