
Segway looks set to improve its sustainability further after LCA success

257 days ago

2 minutes

Zag Daily looks at how Segway is minimising its environmental impact with the incorporation of recycled plastic and metal into the production of its e-scooters.

Segway was already aiming to increase its dependence on recycled materials when leading international testing organisation TÜV SÜD studied its environmental impact, and awarded Segway with its first ever Life Cycle Assesement (LCA) award.

The LCA has facilitated the brand to improve its understanding on carbon emissions and its causes, and build on its recycled materials commitment by working with TÜV SÜD to identify and enforce improvements across its product life cycles (in terms of resource efficiency and reducing environmental impact) to meet its sustainability goals.

Sustainability evaluation with TÜV SÜD

Segway’s electric scooter models S90L and Max Plus X were evaluated by TÜV SÜD, and measured by 18 environmental impact categories such as global warming impact, ozone depletion and fossil resource scarcity.

TÜV SÜD’s findings identified Segway’s raw material stage as a key area for improvement, highlighting its aluminium alloy structural components.

Since gaining valuable insight into the findings, Segway has responded by highlighting its ongoing commitment to reducing emissions and placing sustainability at the forefront of its quest to identify greener and lower carbon substitutes for its raw materials and components, particularly for plastic and metal components. Recent vehicles developed by the company have used approximately 41% recycled metal in their total metal weight.

As part of its efforts to further improve its carbon footprint, Segway is also committed to achieving the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Read more about Segway’s sustainability work.


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