Podbike Monthly Update
< 1 minute read
LEVA-EU member Podbike® revealed the name of their e-bike: Frikar®!
Why did they choose for the name Frikar? In Norwegian, the word Frikar has two meanings:
- “Fri” means “freedom”.
- “Kar ” is pronounced as “car”.
This made Podbike think that “Frikar” means “FREE FROM CAR”, simply a perfect name for their first model! They did they consider just the name Podbike but decided for a different modelname to avoid confusion
Next to the announcement of the name, there is also some news on the status of their test bikes. Last time Podbike explained that out of the 10 bikes only one (T9) is missing new motors. T9 is now finalized. It has better climbing power than the other test bikes.
Podbike will soon use T9 to produce a new video showing Frikar on different kind of surfaces, roadtypes, climbing uphill and more. Stay tuned for an update.
Next month you may expect information on how Podbike prepares for their first series production.
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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