
OVG6 reports upward trend in e-bike ownership and journeys in Belgium

483 days ago

3 minutes

Source: network duurzame mobiliteit

Since 1994, the Flemish Government has been conducting research into the travel behaviour of Flemish people. This research is called the Research on Travel Behaviour, or OVG. In this study, a number of mobility characteristics of families and persons are studied, such as: characteristics of the person who moves, when, why, from where, to where, with what, for how long and how far someone moves. In the meantime, we are in the 6th edition.

Results were shared in an article entitled ‘How do we move post-corona?‘, with detailed information broken down by sector. The data indicated positive trends for LEVs both in levels of e-bike ownership and in their modal share of journeys.

Vehicle and driving licence ownership: more than 1 in 3 families own an e-bike

Source: Institute for Mobility, June 2023

77% of Flemish families have at least one bicycle, a number that is in line with previous studies. The number of Flemish families who own an electric bicycle is rising sharply. 35% of Flemish families also have an electric bicycle. For comparison: pre-corona (2019) this was only 20%.

A Flemish family has an average of 2.13 bicycles (of which 1.61 regular bicycles and 0.49 electric bicycles). That figure remains stable over the years. 77.3% of families have at least one bicycle (including electric bicycles).

The number of families with an electric bicycle continues to increase sharply: in OVG 5.2 this was still 10.89%, in OVG 5.3 16.93%, in OVG 5.4 17.78% and in OVG 5.5 more than 1 in 5 families (20.13%) has at least 1 electric bicycle. In OVG6, e-bike ownership is making another big leap: 35% of families will have an electric bicycle by 2022. Booming business.

Much more often by electric bicycle (modal split)

Source: Institute for Mobility, June 2023

Flemish people cycle and walk more and more: 18.1% of journeys are made by bicycle and 17.3% on foot. The electric bicycle is on the rise: 5.3% of trips are with the electric bicycle and 0.3% with the speed pedelec.

Based on OVG6, the Flemish government’s goal of making at least 40% of all journeys in a sustainable way has already been achieved.


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