
More e-bikes sold than standard bicycles for the first time in Germany


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Source: ZIV

German bicycle industry association, ZIV, has recently presented positive findings from its 2023 report on the German bicycle market.

ZIV’s CEO Burkhard Stork has highlighted great results for the German industry, despite the region experiencing a negative consumer climate, “Despite the current economic situation, bicycles and e-bikes remain very popular among consumers.”

Bicycle sales and production levels high, with e-bikes leading the charge

ZIV has reported that German bicycle production and sales figures have once again reached very high levels in 2023, similar to those of 2020, when COVID-19 effects prompted a surge in bicycle popularity. Notably, report findings reveal that e-bikes are driving the industry for most product categories, and have overtaken standard bicycle sales for the first time ever; with electric bikes holding a 53% share of the market (with sales of 2.1 million), and non-electric bicycles accounting for 43% of sales (1.9 million units sold). In 2022 the conventional bicycle occupied 52% of sales with e-bikes trailing at 48%.

High bicycle demand in Germany reflected by sales figures

Sales figures for bicycles (electric and non-electric) remained at the considerably high amount of €7.06 billion for last year. “Overall, the market data shows very clearly that people in Germany greatly value cycling in everyday life and recreation, along with the associated high-quality products,” says ZIV CEO Burkhard Stork. That data shows that although Germany experienced a difficult 2023 consumer climate, German citizens still recognised the need for high-quality, innovative bicycle technology from retail specialists, with schemes such as employer bicycle leasing also being a popular purchasing solution in Germany’s economic context.

ZIV predicts a positive outlook for Germany’s bicycle industry

ZIV CEO Burkhard Stork believes that economic, environmental and health benefits will continue to boost bicycle demand in Germany, saying: “The rising mobility, energy, rent and living costs, coupled with a growing environmental and health awareness, are conditions that boost the popularity of bicycles and e-bikes – both now and undoubtedly also in the future. Policymakers mustn’t forget bicycles and must finally fully recognise their potential.”


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