
More Belgian employees choose to cycle to and from work


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On the 11th of January 2024 HR services company Acerta published the results of their quarterly Mobility Barometer surveying the commuting habits of 330,000 employees in Belgium. This survey reveals a notable shift in the way of commuting:  the car is losing ground to bicycles. 35.8% of employees occasionally cycle to work. Interestingly, the average commuting distance in Belgium has risen by half a kilometer in just one year, now surpassing 20 kilometers.

While 23% of Belgian white-collar workers still possess a company car, the car is no longer the sole means of transportation for employees. According to Acerta’s Mobility Barometer, reliance on cars for commuting has decreased from 78.4% in 2021 to 77.9% in 2022. The bicycle is gaining ground, reaching a 35.8% share, and public transportation is also making strides, now utilized by 8.3% of employees, compared to 7.8% in 2021.

Charlotte Thijs, Acerta’s mobility expert, comments, “There has been a growing awareness regarding transportation choices. Factors such as increasing environmental consciousness, a diverse range of transport options, the boosted image of (electric) bicycles, and recent spikes in fuel prices are influencing employees not to automatically choose cars, indicating a potential decline in the decades-long dominance of automobiles.”

The most popular combination is that of a car and bicycle, with 19% opting for this mode. Additionally, 15% exclusively choose bicycles. Public transportation users mostly don’t combine it with other modes (5.8%), or if they do, it’s with bicycles (1.2%).

Charlotte Thijs adds, “The sustained popularity of bicycles in commuting doesn’t come as a surprise. We observe more employers offering bike leases, and there’s an increase in individuals receiving bicycle allowances. Public transportation seems to benefit from various trends, and with more flexible subscription systems catering to remote work, further gains are possible.”

Source:The data collected are based on a sample of actual salary data from employees working for more than 40,000 employers in the private sector, including both SMEs and large enterprises. The data were collected through the ACERTA Mobility Barometer between 2021 and 2022, providing a representative depiction of the Belgian employee population in the private sector. ACERTA conducts measurements quarterly, and this marks the seventh edition of the study.

Ineke Meireleire

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