Minister of Transport, Clément Beaune, lays out French plan on scooters
2 minutes
Source: Le Journal du Dimanche. J. Droz, G. Idoux
“The laxity has lasted too long” says French Minister, following a surge in accidents.
Scooters in free circulation could be banned before the age of 14 or 16, according to a recent interview with Clément Beaune. The French Minister of Transport, compelled operators to, “act very quickly” to reduce road accidents, further commenting that legislations may be made if their reaction is lacking.
There is ongoing conflict over the introduction of scooters, and France’s latest national plan proposes strong measures to regulate their use with all of those involved, namely elected officials, associations and operators. Supportive comments from politicians and parents of children who had been involved in accidents were shared, to encourage changes from city officials who regulate in accordance with the 2019 law on mobility.
Some local authorities have struggled to impose regulations on operators, so a national structure is suggested. The state will take control of agendas and agree them with operators and communities alike. The tightening of two-person traffic controls is just one example.
Beaune finished his interview, commenting that if more regulation is needed, it will be enforced.
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