Meet Taiwanese Suppliers Online
2 minutes
The Taiwan Trade Centre London (TAITRA) has informed us of a new opportunity to meet Taiwanese suppliers online. Trade with Europe 2020 will be held virtually on Wednesday 7th of October between 7.30 and 11 am UK time (GMT+1).
Taiwan’s Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT) and TAITRA are co-hosting this event, aiming to promote Taiwan-Europe bilateral business cooperation. Virtual one-on-one business meetings facilitated by TAITRA will enable European businesses to tap into Taiwan’s global supply chain.
- To avoid undue competition among Taiwanese suppliers, participating buyers who have previously procured a certain item from a Taiwanese supplier may not enquire about/procure the same item from another supplier during this event.
- Buyers must provide details of products sought and participate in trade meeting(s) with at least five Taiwanese companies (30 minutes per meeting).
To register, buyers should outline the products they are interested in sourcing using this Google Form: https://forms.gle/MPpdQEBGxRmgBxDz7. Next, TAITRA will provide a shortlist of suitable suppliers. Finally, online meetings will be arranged with the suppliers that buyers choose to connect with. Please note that the sign-up deadline is tomorrow 4 September. For any questions, please contact Adèle Sreeves (asreeves@taitra.org.tw) at the Taiwan Trade Centre London.
Please note that, after this TAITRA event, members are still welcome to contact us should you be looking for specific suppliers in Taiwan. We will then consult with TAITRA as to suitable suppliers for your specific needs: annick@leva-eu.com, tel. +32 9 233 60 05
Photo by Tom Ritson on Unsplash
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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