Lille offers incentive for drivers to choose greener transport modes
493 days ago
2 minutes
Participants can enjoy a cash benefit for making use of any other mode of transport than the private car
As more European cities make moves to decrease congestion in improve quality of life for residents, the metropolitan authorities of Lille have launched the new incentive campaign, Ecobonus “Changing, it pays off” (Changer, ça rapporte). The goal of the scheme is to make a tangible improvement to traffic jams in the city, especially during the congested rush hour. Announced in late March, interested drivers have until May 12 2023 to sign up.
The campaign concept and key word is “change”, with the aim of encouraging a change in habits for commuting to work. The private car is currently still the most popular mode of transport for such a journey, and making changes to long-established habits can be hard to do.
How does it work?
Registered participants can get a generous 2 euros for every solo journey that they avoid taking by private car, direct to their bank account. This is capped at 80 euros per month, which would equal around 1.3 journeys per day, or a working week’s there-and-back-again commutes.
Alternatives to driving alone might include carpooling, cycling, telecommuting, using public transport or shifting trips to fall outside of peak hours. All of these are included as legitimate modes to count towards the incentive, and the only excluded change is a change of route whilst still driving solo.
The scheme is delivered via the “Changer, ça rapporte” app, where participants need to report each eligible journey. The campaign will run experimentally over a 9 month period, from September 2023 to June 2024, on the A1 and A23 motorways leading into Lille. If data shows a reduction in congestion in the targeted times and areas, the incentive may be extended to include other roads. From June 2024, it is intended that the incentive be made permanent, via a loyalty program partnership with local merchants.
Campaign success
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