Light Electric Vehicle Summit

2941 days ago

2 minutes

LEVS-Logo-v1The first Light Electric Vehicle Summit (LEVS) will take place on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 September 2016 in Barcelona.

LEVS is aimed at providing a high quality platform to foster exchange of views and development of synergies between players in the LEV field.

In view of the considerable mobility problems which European cities are facing today, light electric vehicles have a major role to play.

These are a few of the issues that will be dealt with at the conference:

  • State of the Art
  • R&D
  • How to integrate LEVs into urban transport ?
  • Infrastructure
  • Legal aspects
  • Challenges & opportunities
  • How to foster the market to take-off ?

For all further details on the conference and on the exhibition as well as for registration:

Members of AVERE and participants in the AVERE Light Electric Vehicle Task Force enjoy a 10% discount on the registration fee for LEVS. Please contact Annick Roetynck for further details on this discount: tel. +32 9 233 60 05, email



Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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