LEVA-EU @ WOE & Nieuwsfiets B2B Festival
2 minutes
LEVA-EU will be actively participating in World of E-Mobility (WOE), end of October, as well as in the first B2B Festival, organized by Nieuwsfiets in February 2023.
LEVA-EU was present at the first edition of WOE last year. On the very day that WOE opened its door, the Dutch authorities reintroduced COVID-measures. Even though that had an effect on visitors’ numbers, LEVA-EU came back with positive results from WOE. The networking with the exhibitors was such that LEVA-EU decided to be present at the second edition.
Another reason for participation is the fact that the International Cargo Bike Festival (ICBF) will be taking place within WOE. LEVA-EU will organize a half day information session at ICBF on electric cargocycle legislation and standardization. This session will be unmissable for all those who are active in the production and sale of electric cargocycles, because in the European standardisation institute, CEN, several European standards for electric cargocycles are currently being prepared.
On 12 and 13 February, LEVA-EU will be present in the Brabanthallen in ‘s Hertogenbosch (NL) for the first B2B Festival organized by Nieuwsfiets.nu. By means of an information stand, LEVA-EU will be informing visiting companies about the organization’s activities and services for LEV-companies. Nieuwsfiets and LEVA-EU have had a close relationship since LEVA-EU’s establishment. As a result, LEVA-EU is able to offer its members a special rate for participating in the Festival.
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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