
LEVA-EU warns 4 EU Commissioners: duties will have fatal impact on European SMEs

2201 days ago

2 minutes

In anticipation of the deadline for provisional duties, on 20th July, LEVA-EU has warned 4 European Commissioners for the fatal impact of potential duties on a large number of SME’s in Europe. The letter was addressed to Trade Commissioner Malmström, Transport Commissioner Bulc, Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Cañete and to Elżbieta Bieńkowska, European Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs.

In the letter, LEVA-EU Manager, Annick Roetynck invites the Commissioners to look beyond fearmongering rhetoric and consider the facts instead. She points out that so far the Commission has found no injury to the EU-industry whatsoever. She also explains that the difference between EU manufacturers and importers is a mere € 25 to € 35 for the assembly cost of parts, which are to a large extent sourced outside Europe. So-called manufacturers incur this € 25 to € 35 in Europe, whilst so-called importers pay the cost in China. Some “manufacturers”, who were previously importing bicycles from China have even moved assembly to Europe because it is cheaper.

Finally, she warns that duties will limit the offer, increase the prices and stifle product development and innovation. Electric bikes will become a lot less attractive and consumers will be deterred and encouraged to stay with their unsustainable means of transport.

Annick Roetynck concludes: “Europe is facing many challenges today, among which the fight against climate change is far from over, whilst a global trade war is looming. Therefore special attention should be paid to those sectors which allow to progress towards a cleaner and stronger Europe. Imposing duties on e-bike imports from China would be an enormous setback as it would deal a fatal blow to a large number of European importers’ businesses and seriously limit the uptake of this sustainable means of transport. It is for these reasons that the Collective of European Importers of Electric Bicycles would kindly ask you to reconsider the imposition of both provisional and definitive duties.

Here, (EU industry performance indicators), is the non-confidential version of the Commission’s report on the performance indicators for the sample of EU-“manufacturers”

Here, (letter Commissioners), is the original version of the letter sent to the four Commissioners.

For further details, please contact LEVA-EU Manager, Annick Roetynck, email leva-eu@telenet.be, tel. +32 9 233 60 05

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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