Visit LEVA-EU at B2B Festival by
723 days ago
2 minutes
On Sunday 12 and Monday 13 February 2023, NieuwsFiets Media & Events is organising the B2B FESTIVAL for the first time in the Brabanthallen in Den Bosch (NL). The event takes place just before the start of the 2023 (e)cycling season and also offers an opportunity to look ahead to 2024. LEVA-EU will also be there!
LEVA-EU Manager Annick Roetynck will be at the LEVA-EU stand full-time on Sunday and Monday. She will explain to all interested parties the activities of LEVA-EU, such as standardisation work with CEN and IEC, lobby work for adapted LEV regulations, e.g. regarding the Dutch LEV framework, but also the new Machinery Regulation and the Battery Regulation, etc. She will also clarify LEVA-EU’s initiatives to raise awareness on the potential of LEVs. The Speed Pedelec White Paper and the DLR report on the potential for saving GHG emissions through LEVs are key assets in this regard.
She also hopes to be able to inform quite a few companies in the Brabanthallen about the benefits of LEVA-EU membership. Anyone wishing to book an appointment with Annick Roetynck can do so via the following link:
If you are professionally active in the LEV-business, you can visit the B2B event for free. You can register and obtain a badge in advance here:
Tot ziens!
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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