
Join LEVA-EU for meeting on damage to EU e-bike companies by dumping measures

464 days ago

3 minutes

On 16 November 2023, LEVA-EU will be hosting a meeting in Brussels for EU e-bike companies who are being attacked by the customs, by OLAF or both, following the anti-dumping and countervailing measures against electric bikes from China. We have reports of companies in virtually all member states being threathened with duties, fines and even prison sentences for company managers, for alleged violation of the trade defence measures.

LEVA-EU invites all companies who are under attack as well as their lawyers to a meeting in Brussels on Thursday 16 November. The purpose of the meeting is two-fold. We want to consult with the companies on a plan of action to systematically raise the issues with the European Commission, Parliament, Olaf and customs services. Secondly, we want to enable the lawyers defending the attacked companies to exchange information and expertise to optimise their defence.

This week, LEVA-EU will send out direct invitations to those companies that have already contacted the association with respect to their problems with customs and/or OLAF. All other companies who have not been in touch with LEVA-EU yet, are invited to report to the organization by phone +32 475 500 588 or by email annick@leva-eu.com. The meeting is open to both LEVA-EU members and non-members.

Further information about the meeting of 16 November will follow but those interested in attending are invited to contact LEVA-EU Manager Annick Roetynck as soon as possible by phone, +32 475 500 588 or by mail, annick@leva-eu.com.

Before the Summer, the Commission has announced the expiry of the measures against electric bicycles from China in the Official Journal. LEVA-EU is anticipating a review and potential renewal of the measures. In the meantime, the Kafkaesque legislation and the multiple actions by national customs services and OLAF, cause unacceptable disruption and damage to many European companies. Ahead of the anticipated review, LEVA-EU called a while ago on all companies affected by the measures for evidence. The response was so overwhelming that LEVA-EU now decided to invite all affected parties to a meeting in Brussels on 16 November.

LEVA-EU’s call for evidence resulted in a tsunami of companies calling at LEVA-EU’s booth at Eurobike to report on their ordeal. The stories are harrowing and the measures customs are threatening with are such that they will simply destroy businesses. The actions are taking place across Europe as well as in countries outside Europe, including Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, … The allegations are very diverse: circumvention of dumping measures against electric bikes assembled outside the EU, circumvention through assembly in the EU, wrong application of rules of origin, wrong HS-classification, circumvention of anti-dumping duties on essential bicycle parts, wrong use of the Commission’s exemption, assembly without end-use authorisation, assembly of parts not within time limit or simply “fraud“. Entrepreneurs are threatened not only with overdue duties and staggering fines but worse, imprisonment. One of them has effectively been detained for several weeks.

LEVA-EU has been working relentlessly to explain all legislation pertaining to this e-bike case. In meetings with the European Commission, we have explained the many aberrations an discrimination in the rules, the net result of which being that it’s virtually impossible to start-up a new e-bike business in Europe, while many existing businesses are under threat due to unfair rules. Ahead of the review, we will continue to do so. To this end, we are in the process of drawing up an inventory of as many cases as possible of European companies that are being investigated by customs and/or OLAF.

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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