
LEVA-EU Information Meeting on Dumping Case at Eurobike

2238 days ago

2 minutes

LEVA-EU is fighting, together with a group of European importers, against the anti-dumping proceeding concerning electric bicycles from China. The whole European LEV-business will suffer if anti-dumping duties are to be applied. A large number of companies will be forced out of business, the offer will shrink, prices will increase and consumers will be turned away from electric bicycles. Reduced competition will adversely affect research and development.

This case has been the single most important topic of conversation in the electric bike business this year and will be the topic of conversation at Eurobike. With that, a lot of rumours, fake news and alternative facts are going around, causing even more disruption.

LEVA-EU organizes an information meeting on the dumping case at Eurobike to tell the correct story, from our side of the fence of course. The information meeting is open to all interested parties.

LEVA-EU Manager, Annick Roetynck, will present an overviewof what has happened so far and what is still to happen: the procedure, registration, retroactive collection, provisional duties, decision on final duties, … After the presentation, together with a few members of the Collective, she will answer all questions the participants may have.

To ensure that your questions get answered at this meeting, we encourage you to send them in advance to leva-eu@telenet.be.

As the meeting takes place over lunch time, a modest lunch will be offered to the participants.

The information meeting is open to all interested parties but prior registration is required, click The information meeting is open to all interested parties but prior registration is required: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/leva-eu-information-meeting-dumping-case-e-bikes-china-tickets-46608013824. Please bring your ticket with you.

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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