LEVA-EU Dumping Information Meeting at Eurobike and Dumping Injury Survey
2 minutes
The Commission’s decision to register imports of e-bikes from China has caused great injury to the companies in the Collective of European Importers of Electric Bicycles and to many more SMEs throughout Europe. The uncertainty about potential retroactive collection of duties and the level of potential duties is causing enormous chaos.
To provide clarification on the case, LEVA-EU organizes an information meeting on the dumping case at Eurobike open to all interested parties.
LEVA-EU Manager, Annick Roetynck, will present an overview of what has happened so far and what is still to happen: the procedure, registration, retroactive collection, provisional duties, decision on final duties, … After the presentation, together with a few members of the Collective, she will answer all questions the participants may have.
The information meeting is open to all interested parties but prior registration is required. Participation is free for LEVA-EU and Collective Members. For non-members to participate, they have to register and pay on this website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/leva-eu-information-meeting-dumping-case-e-bikes-china-tickets-46608013824.
Also, on behalf of the Collective, LEVA-EU has launched a survey to measure the injury.
Should the European Commission pursue the 189% duties as mentioned in the Registration Regulation, this will force many companies to close or to go bankrupt. The Registration Regulation is currently resulting in shortage of electric bike supplies, price increases and considerable losses.
The Collective of European Importers of Electric Bicycles wants to show to the Commission how many companies are affected and to what extent the Registration Regulation has and still is causing damage.
That is why LEVA-EU has, on behalf of the Collective, launched a short survey for importers, dealers or any other stakeholders in the electric bicycle business. Anybody affected by the anti-dumping proceeding in general, and the Registration Regulation in particular, is invited to help the Collective to show the European Commission the level of injury this is causing by completing a short survey low, which is available here:
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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