Latest Podbike news: test series
< 1 minute read
One month closer to Podbike’s most important milestone: 12 test bikes on the road.
Lesson learned!😒
Most of our suppliers tend to take a vacation in July.
Which means, we won’t get the last parts we need until around August 20th.
However, we in Podbike didn’t plan a holiday in July – we are on a mission! 😃
Lesson learned ✅
The assembly of chassis is almost done, and the electronics will be installed next week.
The chassis consists of a nice mix of 3D printed and machined parts while the body consists of thermoformed parts.
As of today (31st of July) all the sheet metal parts are finally finished and most of the body is in production.
Norwegian governmental support!
This year’s progress in development and the current test series production wouldn’t be possible without the supported funding/grant from Innovation Norway early 2019 (Environmental technology grant/ Miljøteknologiordningen).
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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