Last Days to Register for The Future is Electric and Light!
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There’s only a few days to go until The Future is Electric and Light!, political and a scientific panel will respectively discuss the results of the long awaited DLR study on the potential of LEVs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The report is now ready and shows that LEVs can effectively make a huge contribution, but exactly how much will not be revealed until 24 March.
At The Future is Electric and Light!, a political and a scientific panel will respectively discuss the results of the long awaited DLR study on the potential of LEVs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The report is now ready and shows that LEVs can effectively make a huge contribution, but exactly how much will not be revealed until 24 March.
The panel discussions at The Future is Light and Electric! event feature an impressive line-up. MEP Marian-Jean Marinescu is one of the participants in the political discussion in the morning. He is the EPP coordinator in TRAN and also a substitute on ENVI and ITRE. He is a very active MEP who, in December 2020, received the Transport & Tourism award at The Parliament Magazine’s annual MEP Award. He will be joined by 2 Commission representative: Alex Volkery, Deputy Head of Unit Sustainable and Intelligent Transport, DG Move and Michael Kyriakopoulos, Senior Expert Low Emission Future Industries, DG Research and Innovation. Lucas Demuelenaere will represent Alain Maron, the Brussels Minister of Climate, Energy and Environment.
In the afternoon, the scientific panel will include a figure head of LEV-research. Chris Cherry is Associate Department Head of Undergraduate Studies and Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Tennessee. He has done a great deal of research into and published on light electric vehicles. He is also a founder of the LEVER Institute. This is a consortium of researchers tackling important research questions about the role of Light Electric Vehicles in the transport system. He will be discussing the DLR-report with a host of reputed colleagues among whom Prof. Cappelle (KU Leuven), the figurehead of speed pedelec research in Belgium. Other confirmed panellists are Prof. Frauke Behrendt (TU/e), Prof. Laura Po (Unimore) and Aslak Fyhri (TOI).
The event is hybrid, i.e. online and live in the Renaissance in Brussels, which is just around the corner of the European Parliament. Outside the Renaissance, a number of vehicles, among which Microlino and Podbike, will be shown to the participants and the press. Furthermore, Commission officials and MEPs will be invited to take a look at the vehicles and, perhaps, even to take a short test ride during the day.
The Future is Electric and Light! is only the start of long-term advocacy initiative by LEVA-EU to encourage and further scientific research into LEVs. LEV-research will considerably strengthen LEVA-EU’s plea and efforts for much more attention for LEVs in EU policies such as the Green Deal, Fit for 55 and the New Urban Mobility Framework. At the event of 24 March, LEVA-EU will also explain the further plans in this regard.
LEVA-EU enjoys the support of Fairlybike, Microlino, Podbike and Superpedestrian for both this event and the long-term initiative. Further sponsoring is still welcome. Please contact Eddie Eccleston, eddie@leva-eu.com, tel. +32 472 32 9770.
The event website is here, https://thefutureiselectricandlight.com/, and registration for the event is here, https://eu-ems.com/register.asp?event_id=4682
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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