Last Call for Sponsors: the Future is Electric and Light!
3 minutes
LEVA-EU has welcomed the first sponsors for “The Future is Electric and Light”: Fairlybike, Microlino and Superpedestrian. Whilst the professional association is in discussion with several other candidates, there is still room for further sponsorship. Sponsors not only support the one-day event on 24 March in Brussels. They also commit their name to a long-term initiative to encourage research on Light Electric Vehicles and to create a network of LEV researchers.
On Thursday 24 March, experts will gather in Brussels to discuss the future of LEVs in Europe, following a new report for policymakers from DLR (The German Space Centre) commissioned by LEVA-EU.
The report shows how electrifying cars and vans alone is not enough to make transport sustainable: the vehicles themselves must become considerably lighter to improve energy efficiency and to reduce their carbon footprint.
At the event entitled “The Future is Electric and Light!”, LEVA-EU expects an online audience of around 500 participants and a targeted in-person gathering of around 50 people. The event will be an opportunity for industry decision-makers and policymakers at regional, city, and EU level to discuss how LEVS can contribute to achieving EU and global climate goals.
This event is a unique sponsorship opportunity to be associated with a prestigious scientific report that will be in front of many decision makers at all levels for years to come. We are convinced that our message will resonate and will allow LEVs to achieve their potential to the full. This will grow the LEV-market.
The event will be attended by Members of the European Parliament, representatives of the Commission, Council and EU cities as well as the press and representatives of other associations related to sustainable transport. With that, the sponsoring packages include the possibility to display Light Electric Vehicles at the event. It will take place in Brussels, just next to the European Parliament and very close to the European Commission and Council.
There are 5 different sponsoring packages available, including a very attractive range of benefits, part of which relate to post-event activities. The DLR report is the first step in a long-term initiative by LEVA-EU to encourage research into LEVs and to develop an international network of LEV-researchers. More research into LEVs will considerably strengthen our advocacy for the uptake and use of these vehicles.
The DLR report will be presented at several LEV exhibitions, events and congresses. Furthermore, LEVA-EU is seeking support from scientists around the globe to underwrite the message that LEVs can make a considerable contribution to cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
With this message, LEVA-EU will invite policy makers, ngo’s and other associations as well as citizens to pledge their support for the principle of using the lightest electric vehicle possible for their specific journeys. For all this, we will launch a dedicated website, which offers additional sponsoring opportunities that are included in the available packages.
Don’t miss out on this unique chance to profile your company through our event as well as through further activities after the event to advocate and promote the message that the Future is Electric and Light! For further details or discussions on the available sponsoring offer, please call campaign fund-raiser Eddie Eccleston, +32 472 32 9770, or mail e_eccleston@yahoo.com
The sponsoring packages are here: https://bit.ly/3K37IDS
A dedicated website for The Future is Electric and Light! is now online.
[1] The term Light Electric Vehicles covers all electric vehicles included in the L-category as defined by Regulation 168/2013 as well as all electric vehicles excluded by Article 2.2 of the said Regulation. LEVA-EU’s scope is here.
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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