
ITF Pre-Summit Research Day

1051 days ago

2 minutes

The International Transport Forum is an intergovernmental organisation with 63 member countries. It acts as a think tank for transport policy and organises the Annual Summit of transport ministers, this year from 18 to 20 May. ITF claims to be the only global body that covers all transport modes. 

The day preceding the Summit is the Pre-Summit Reseach Day on Transport for Inclusive Societies. This day will bring together top academics, researchers and practitioners to present and discuss topics relevant to the Summit’s theme. It will present research works in and promote discussions on how to:

  1. Mitigate and adapt to climate change with environmentally-friendly, inclusive and equitable transport solutions;
  2. Involve everyone in transport policy decision-making and proactively reach out to vulnerable and disadvantaged groups;
  3. Make digitally enabled transport innovations part of accessible and safe systems for all;
  4. Fund public and active transport for all in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Call for abstracts of a maximum of 1000 words is open between 24 January and 7 March 23:00 (GMT) inclusive at: https://trb.secure-platform.com/a/page/2022_ITF_Pre-summit_Research_Day   

The Pre-Summit Research Day is being planned as an in-person event in Leipzig, Germany, on Tuesday 17 May 2022, as an annexe event to the 2022 ITF Summit. Should the evolution of the sanitary situation linked to the COVID-19 pandemic set a barrier for holding an in-person meeting, the Research Day will be held virtually.

The Pre-Summit Research Day is organised jointly between the International Transport Forum (ITF), the European Commission (EC), the European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI), the US Transportation Research Board (TRB) and the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS).

Related documents:

PDF icon2022 Pre-Summit Research Day – Call for Abstracts.pdf

Photo by Mikael Kristenson on Unsplash

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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