Is your company under investigation by national customs or by OLAF?
< 1 minute read
Are you one of the many companies in the European Union that encounters problems with the assembly of ebikes in the EU or with the import of ebikes from outside the EU and outside China? Are the national customs services investigating your company or, worse, accusing your company of infringing anti-dumping legislation?
Your problems are directly caused by the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures against e-bikes from China. It’s an extremely complicated matter, which we can explain to you. We may also be able to assist you in tackling your problems.
If you want to find out more, please contact us. We will explain the cause of your problems and we will propose how we can tackle those problems together. The measures against China are not about dumping cheap Chinese ebikes in the European Union, they are about hurting companies in the EU.
Are you one of those companies? Get in touch with LEVA-EU: annick@leva-eu.com, tel.+32 475 500 588 and we will set up an online meeting.
If you wish, we can guarantee you complete confidentiality.
You may also wish to read: https://leva-eu.com/leva-eu-establishes-ad-hoc-group-to-counter-commission-review-measures-against-e-cycles-china/
Photo by Anja Bauermann on Unsplash
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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