
IRF Start-up Label: 2022 Applications Open

786 days ago

3 minutes

Source: IRF Start-up Label – International Road Federation (IRF )

The IRF (International Road Federation) Start-up Label is a seal of excellence that recognises impactful companies.

Establishing a new company requires confidence-building with clients, investors, current and future employees, and the IRF aim to support impactful mobility start-ups by helping them build trust with their stakeholders. Trustworthy organisations are recognised if an innovative and impactful product, service or value proposition has been developed by a credible team. The organisation also need to prove that technical goals can be achieved and that they have strategies in place to protect their innovation and execute a sustainable business strategy. By receiving the IRF Start-up Label and IRF’s official endorsement, start-ups can demonstrate credibility and earn sustainable trust with their stakeholders. Awarded Start-ups also benefit from IRF’s most valuable assets: unique knowledge and expertise, broad networking capabilities and extensive data services.

To obtain the label, each start-up is assessed and each application is examined by a pool of IRF experts in charge of delivering a global evaluation of the company. Experts analyse the following criteria: impact on IRF’s key fields of action; environmental and social impacts; level of innovation and the company’s capacity to protect it; market tractionk i.e. the degree to which the product or the service satisfies an existing need, its viability and its scalability; founders’ profiles.

The reward for obtaining the IRF Start-up Label is three years’ benefits from IRF’s official endorsement:
Year 1
– Mentoring and Exposure. Mentoring is provided by a qualified IRF expert focusing on a topic chosen by the award-winning organisation. Exposure to applicable audiences is gained by co-signing an official press release, while also having the opportunity to participate in the IRF’s networking events.
Years 2 and 3 – Networking. The IRF will aid the organisation with key networking actions following the identification of yearly priorities. This includes an introduction to relevant companies, experts and public bodies, dependent upon goals and IRF’s capabilities.

IRF Start-up Label winners from 2021 were ASIMOB and Valerann. ASIMOB automate visual road inspection tasks to aid maintenance teams. Its lightweight solution uses IoT and AI to detect incidences and help to keep all road types in the safest possible condition. Valerann is a pioneering Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Saas company that motivates global control centres and road operators via their intelligent traffic management platform, Lanternn by Valerann.

Applications for the 2022 award are now open. Submissions must be made by 31st August 2022 and can be made here.


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