Invitation to Launch Event Platform for Electro-Mobility


< 1 minute read

Date and Time: 21 April 2016, 17:00-20:00 Venue: Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre (Metro Rogier – view map) With a drinks reception The Platform for Electro-Mobility is a growing multi-stakeholder effort to accelerate the transition in Europe towards sustainable multimodal electro-mobility. The Members of the Platform for Electro-Mobility invite businesses, stakeholders and decision-makers to learn more about the potential of electro-mobility in Europe. Agenda:

– Presentation of the Platform for Electro-Mobility (Platform Chair Senan MacGrath, EURELECTRIC)

– Keynote Speech: How Europe can accelerate the shift to electro-mobility (Director-General for Mobility and Transport Henrik Hololei, DG MOVE, European Commission)

– Panel Discussion: How can electro-mobility contribute to decarbonise Europe’s transport? Moderated by Greg Archer, Director Clean Vehicles at Transport & Environment.

  • European Commission representative, DG ENER (tbc)
  • Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Member of the European Parliament (tbc)
  • Petrouschka Werther, Acting Director, Air Quality & Noise Department, Ministry of Infrastructure, the Environment & Climate Change, The Netherlands
  • Platform members
  • Public transport authority

Networking cocktail: You will have the opportunity to meet & discuss with all Platform Members

The full programme will be distributed to you shortly.

Register here



Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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