In Germany, e-bikes are still very popular
2588 days ago
< 1 minute read
Source: VSF – Early June, the Federal Statistical Office announced 1.9 million, that is 5.1% of all private households in Germany had at least one electric bicycle at the beginning of 2016. In 2014 the share was only 3.4%. In 2016 again around 600,000 pedelecs were sold, accordint to the two-wheeler industry federation (ZIV).
However, the potential for further growth is still high, according to a recent survey by Bitkom. Among the non-owners of electric bicycles, 33% can imagine buying one in the near future.
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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