
How to deal with dumping on Chines e-bikes? Read LEVA-EU Briefing!

1973 days ago

< 1 minute read

Have the anti-dumping duties on e-bikes from China disrupted your supply chain? Are you still struggling with finding an alternative in our outside the EU? Do you get lost in the Commission’s legalese on anti-dumping, anti-circumvention, rules of origin, etc? LEVA-EU’s briefing on the dumping case holds all the answers.

The LEVA-EU briefing on the consequences of the imposition of definitive anti-dumping measures has all the necessary details on various legal solutions to continue to assemble and/or import electric bicycles.

In the briefing we explain the following issues:

  • the scope of the measures
  • the applied rates
  • the application date and which provisional duties customs may and may not be collected
  • how and how not to continue import of e-bikes from China
  • how to organize legal assembly in or outside Europe
  • how to legally import components for electric bicycles without paying any duties at all, no anti-dumping duties, no anti-circumvention duties and no regular import duties

For further details on the briefing please contact LEVA-EU Manager, Annick Roetynck, email annick@leva-eu.com, tel. +32 9 233 60 05

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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