
Guidance to ISO standards for controlling energy consumption and bills

465 days ago

2 minutes

Source: NBN

Energy prices and the cost of living remain high on the agenda for most. However, there is help to be found for reducing your organisation’s energy outgoings, including a recently published standard for achieving net zero energy.

There’s little doubt that we all wish to use less energy and reach zero emission status. To aid our quest, there is a new standard using an ISO 50001 energy management system, offering guidance on achieving net zero energy to organisations with an energy management system in place.

What is net zero energy?

Net zero energy is the balance between the amount of energy used and the amount of clean, renewable energy generated. Those organisations aiming for net zero energy, which already have an energy management system in place, should consider ISO/PASS 50010:2023.

Several articles and guidance texts have been written to aid all aspects of energy management, including the following:

Get your energy consumption down with ISO 50001

ISO 50001 is the standard for more efficient and effective energy use, key for helping to better manage your organisation’s energy usage. Those applying for ISO 50001 should expect to receive several benefits with the system in their quest for better energy management:

• Your organisation’s costs will be lower
• Your environmental impact will be reduced
• Your reputation will be improved
• Your competitiveness will be increased

Those wishing to get started with ISO 50001 should read about it here.

Better energy management direction

Even for smaller organisations without limited resources, an energy management system can still be adopted. ISO 50005 offers step-by-step guidance on how to do it. Read more here.

Perfect your energy management system

If your energy management system is already active and simply needs improvement, the ISO 50004 will help. If you wish to save money and the environment, details on how to make improvements are here.

More reading about ISO 50001 and other energy standards can be found here.

Documentation purchases can be made here.


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