German Electric Cargo Cycles in 2020
1247 days ago
< 1 minute read
Last year in Germany, around 78,000 electric cargo cycles have been sold. This number represents a substantial growth of more than 43% compared to 2019. The German Bicycle Industry Association (ZIV) estimates that electric cargo cycles represents ¾ of all cargo cycle sales, which was around 103,000 pieces in 2020.
We have added these and more results to the LEVA-EU briefing Market Report 2020. Members receive this briefing for free. Non-LEVA-EU member can purchase the briefing including all updates to be published this year. If a company joins LEVA-EU within three months of first buying the briefing, that cost will be deducted from the membership fee.
To obtain the briefing, simply send a mail with your company details and VAT number. This allows us to send you the invoice. You will obtain the briefing upon payment of the invoice.
If you are looking for more information on the European LEV-market, you may want to consider joining LEVA-EU. All further details are here or contact Annick Roetynck at +32 9 233 60 05, e-mail
Source: ZIV.
Photo credits: Flevobike
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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