
German and Dutch Electric Cycle Markets Flourish

1409 days ago

3 minutes

New data about the electric cycle markets in Germany and the Netherlands are available for the year 2020. Despite the pandemic, both markets flourished and showed record numbers.


Zweirad-Industrie-Verband (ZIV) published new data on the German (electric) cycle market in 2020. That shows a steady growth to over 5 million pieces being sold in 2020. Of this number, 1.95 million are electric cycles, a growth of more than 43% compared to 2019.

The electric cycle now accounts for almost 39% of all cycle sales in Germany, making it the largest segment of the market in volume. Second in line is the trekking cycle with 25% followed by the urban cycle with 13%.

The electric cycle market is made up of the following segments:

  • e-trekking: 692,300
  • e-MTB: 585,000
  • e-city/urban: 546,000
  • e-cargo: 78,000
  • e-other: 29,300
  • e-racer: 9,800
  • speed-pedelecs: 9,800

Note: LEVA-EU Graph, based on data of ZIV.

Over the years, the electric cargo cycle has steadily worked its way up in the sales statistics over the years. Showing again a year on year growth with a new record of 78,000 pieces being sold in 2020, a growth of more than 43%.

The Netherlands

In 2020, the sales of electric cycles have reached new record numbers. They increased by more than 30% compared to 2019 for a total of 547,000 electric cycles. With an average price of €2.259, turnover reached a remarkable €1,65 billion in 2020, which is double the turnover in 2010.

Electric cycles accounted for 50% of all Dutch cycle sales in 2020, leaving next segments non-electric city cycles and children’s cycles far behind. The the share of electric cycles is considerably on the increase. It was 42% in 2019 and only 15% in 2011.

Brick and motor shops remain the most important distribution channel for electric cycles. 10% of all revenues have been realized through internet sales while this was 23% three years earlier. The decrease in internet sales is also noticed on electric cycles where only 8% was sold last year, while it accounted for 27% three years earlier. This downward trend is probably the result of  ‘traditional internet shops’ who turn there business into a mix of digital and physical shops according to RAI/BOVAG.


Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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